HD-DVD is Dead, Long Live Blu Ray

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internet speeds need to become significantly faster before people can download HD movies of the same quality as what you get on blu-ray

yep, just to give people an idea, the Dark Knight 1080P HD Trailer is just under 100MB for 2 minutes of footage... so a decent 2.5 hour movie will be about how big.. 7500MB... that's just for the movie alone... and I'm sure it's heavily compressed too, the video quality you'd see off a blu-ray disk will require at least double if not triple that number.. I'm not even sure if the trailer includes HD audio of any kind and of course, that number won't include extra features which plenty of people do watch/use by the way (I do at least). If you want a decent library of 200 movies, you need at least 1.5TB of storage... and realistically, you might even need 3.0TB or 5...

Think about that in mainstream standards - nobody has those resources yet except a small elite with ultra high-speed connections and a massive amount of storage. I don't see HD-on-demand (downloadable and storable) movies being available like some of you are suggesting for another decade at least, before physical forms of media become obsolete, and even I feel that's a bit too soon, could be much longer.. I mean, you still have huge countries like China and India who's middle-class is steadily growing stronger - you think within a decade the majority of people in those countries will have massive hard drive storage and a 20 Mbps cable internet connection? doubt it.. if North Americans get spoiled with mainstream ultra high speed internet and bundles of storage making on-demand HD more of a reality, the demand for physical forms of media will come elsewhere and from the people who still just want to actually own a copy of the movie.

So point is - physical media'll be around for a while.
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it's tech people...keep that in mind...so with that...

Fiber to the premises by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fiber to the premises in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ultra hi def
Ultra High Definition Video - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Broadband or High-Speed Internet Access <-- 10 to 100s mbs compared to 1.5 mbs

as I see it, IF bluray does not adjust pricing to benefit the consumer...then it will be leapfrogged by the emerging tech

and if you want more tech news reading...just read up on the history of HDTV and see how far back it goes, very interesting stuff :D
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