HD-DVD is Dead, Long Live Blu Ray

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I don't think on demand will EVER beat out buying the actual movie, what would you do if the hard drive got corrupt??? Spend all that time downloading or re-recording those movies again??? I would personaly buy the movie or rent it over downloading it to a DVR...
It will for the same reason DVRs beat out DVD recorders in sales by massive figures.

1. The average person doesn't realize a hard drive can fail. ;)
2. We could raid hard drives.
3. Its outrageously more convenient.
4. People care alot about convenience.
5. Hard drive corruption wouldn't be a problem if it worked like steam where you could just redownload previously bought content.

I find it hard to see a future 20-30 years in advance where movies are still sold on physical media.
This GIF I got from 4Chan is quite appropriate I think:

That's from RoboCop by the way - if you don't know that, shame on you! :D
Bandwidth limitations and plug and play DVR's have a long way to go to catch up to the convenience of having the hard copy. It'll happen but not soon enough to be a big concern. Just owning it on Hard Drive takes almost 2 hours to torrent a decent dvd rip! If I'm going to watch some shows over at a friends house, it's nowhere near convenient.
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