Playstation 4

unless Dark Souls 2 is a launch game I will be waiting a while that or Dragon Age 3 would be the only 2 games to get me to be a 1st dayer. I will most likely wait a year till they work some bugs out
I'd probably wait a year as well. The only console I didn't wait for was the ps2, and I'm still running on the launch bios, I've never encountered any errors with that. It's never been connected to psn ever. Wish I got the linux kit though :(
One thing we know for certain, as this is common for all console launches, Sony will be taking a loss on each console sold. When the Xbox 360 was released, Microsoft ate $126 for each 360 sold. Sony ate an astounding $307 for each 20GB sold and $246 for each 60GB sold.

I really can't see the next playstation starting at more than $400... at least not for the base version. Sony made two mistakes with the PS3... letting the 360 launch a year before the PS3 and giving the PS3 a starting price point that people were unwilling to pay. Being a corporate environment, I'm sure these were major topics discussed during the "lessons learned" stage of the project cycle. We already know they won't be repeating the first mistake. Hopefully they've learned from the second.

Now, that doesn't mean that all is fine and well. Microsoft showed us that you can sell your console at a lower price, but then recoup that money through subscription based online access. A year ago, Microsoft announced that they had 40 million active subscribers to Xbox Live. Assuming a year long subscription at the discounted rate of $35 that can be had from time to time, we're talking about additional yearly revenue of $1.4 billion. Billion. Microsoft has proven that people will pay this fee, so who in their right mind would walk away from that?

I wonder how much sony will eat for the PS4, probably $200 or less. The thing that sucks for sony is that people would rather spend more in the long run than short term, especially at lauch. (XBOX=Wireless adapter+3 months of XBL adds up to about the price of a launch ps3)
I wonder how much sony will eat for the PS4, probably $200 or less. The thing that sucks for sony is that people would rather spend more in the long run than short term, especially at lauch. (XBOX=Wireless adapter+3 months of XBL adds up to about the price of a launch ps3)

True... and they had that HD DVD add on plus proprietary HDDs. As a package deal, the Playstation 3 offered more bang for your buck, but Microsoft let people piecemeal it and it appears people are more open to that so long as you give them a reasonable entry point. I suppose that makes sense considering the number of game publishers adopting the free to play/micro-transaction business model.

Some people have suggested that the console makers should subsidize the consoles with a 2 year subscription, much like the mobile carriers do with phones (and ETFs). Microsoft has already dipped their toe in the water with the $99 Xbox 360/2 year Live contract.
True... and they had that HD DVD add on plus proprietary HDDs. As a package deal, the Playstation 3 offered more bang for your buck, but Microsoft let people piecemeal it and it appears people are more open to that so long as you give them a reasonable entry point. I suppose that makes sense considering the number of game publishers adopting the free to play/micro-transaction business model.

Some people have suggested that the console makers should subsidize the consoles with a 2 year subscription, much like the mobile carriers do with phones (and ETFs). Microsoft has already dipped their toe in the water with the $99 Xbox 360/2 year Live contract.

Microsoft was real smart and did that, just as PS was about to overtake them in sales
Report: PlayStation 4 controller prototype caught on camera | Joystiq

Report: PlayStation 4 controller prototype caught on camera
by Richard Mitchell on Feb 14th 2013 4:39PM

An image purportedly depicting a prototype controller for Sony's next PlayStation has surfaced. Posted on Destructoid, the image reveals a controller with many similarities to Sony's typical DualShock design, albeit with a few cosmetic alterations like rounded sides, differently shaped analog sticks and a D-pad that looks very similar to the one used on the PlayStation Vita.

A few atypical features include what appears to be a touchpad similar to the rear touchpad on the Vita, a built-in speaker and a strange, glowing bar. The bar bears some likeness to the otherworldly glow of a a PlayStation Move, suggesting the controller could have built-in motion tracking.

According to sources at IGN, the controller is indeed real, though it's an early prototype and possibly very different from the final design. Sony is widely expected to unveil its next PlayStation at an event next Wednesday, and hopefully we'll know more by then.
I've heard a couple of things about backwards compatibility being available through some cloud service, does anyone have any details about this? More interested in the how, as I had understood that it was a hardware issue that had stopped this in the newer PS3s.
It was an issue for the new PS3's to use PS2 games. Hence why it was dropped after the initial run. But the PS games still worked just fine.

If the system can use PS4 games on BluRay, then why couldnt they create an emulator or something to be able to use the PS3 Media? Instead they have completely rid the PS4 of anything prior to it just so they can get more money out of people.

Sony has not even confirmed or denied the whole aspect of already purchased content. They have not said that all the content you currently own would be able to be taken to the PS4. Which means that all of your current saves, all of your current games and files on the PS3 would be stuck there.

So each person would have to spend more money to buy the "new" digital version that works with the PS4.

They say that the new PS4 with its AMD based CPU cant handle the current line of games. But Microsoft did this type of switch from the original XBOX to the XBOX 360 and were able to make an emulator. So why couldnt Sony?

Even if the rumors are true that they will offer the "new" digital content at as little as $1, it still doesnt make up for the fact that I already paid the cost of the game originally to get it digitally only to have to pay more to continue to play it. That part makes no sense to me and is the main reason why the PS4 is off my list until they confirm that my current content can be carried over at no charge. If not then I will stick with the PS3 as there is no major reason to jump to PS4. They will still be releasing titles for PS3 for this year and next. That is per their own CEO.

PlayStation 4 will stream PS3 games, reports WSJ | The Verge
Gran Turismo 6 is a PlayStation 3 game, says Sony exec -
‘Highly Significant' Unannounced PS3 Games Still Coming - IGN
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