Dragon Age: Inquistion

Ha! Sounds cool. Is there any fighting in it?

Yeah there's a bunch in the beginning half, which has it's own little expansion story. There's parts where you meet up with your entire squad from both games and split them into two teams (Team Mako and Team Hammerhead, based on the vehicles in ME1 and ME2).

It's the same idea as the suicide mission, only it's not as involved because you don't do any of the selections. Regardless, it ends up in a firefight consisting of you and your 15 squadmates or so vs a bunch of enemy troops.

In the second half, I know there's at least one "hang out" mission with a squad member in which you tag team and run a mini gauntlet together in an arena, but the arena is open to you at any time, as well as a full two floor apartment, a lounge, a full casino, and a two floor arcade with working cabinets and crane games.

It's fun, you get to do things such as bail squadmembers out of jail for getting drunk, defacing statues and eating noodles for their hangover, as well as reinact the cantina scene from A New Hope where the guy shoves Luke for not liking him if you have a particular squad member alive lol.
yeah i would have cried if it got delayed till next year lol. well pillars of eternity should be coming out soon that should keep my mind off lol.
while im A bit let down im also kinda glad that month was so so full of stuff. this makes it easier on my wallet. I may get Shadow of Mordor now on day 1
This now releases the same day as Far Cry 4 and The Witcher 3 releases in February so sadly I just may be skipping DA: I now.
This now releases the same day as Far Cry 4 and The Witcher 3 releases in February so sadly I just may be skipping DA: I now.

I got DA: Origins as a GOTY edition with all of the DLC included and loved every second of the massive game. I am probably going to do the same thing with this one. I want to play it, but there are just too many other games coming.
I got DA: Origins as a GOTY edition with all of the DLC included and loved every second of the massive game. I am probably going to do the same thing with this one. I want to play it, but there are just too many other games coming.

I'll probably do the same. I'm afraid I'll suffer from rpg fatigue if I get DA and then go straight into W3.
really you would rather get far Cry over this. This is like my #1 release this year Its the 1 absolute for sure day 1 I am getting and Witcher isnt until Feb or Match so you have plaenty of time for Dragon Age. I will have to look at my list but since this is pushed back I may be able to get another day 1 this year. I know I will get this on its new date and Borderlands is the week before I think or maybe 2 weeks before
really you would rather get far Cry over this. This is like my #1 release this year Its the 1 absolute for sure day 1 I am getting and Witcher isnt until Feb or Match so you have plaenty of time for Dragon Age. I will have to look at my list but since this is pushed back I may be able to get another day 1 this year. I know I will get this on its new date and Borderlands is the week before I think or maybe 2 weeks before

Lol. I don't think you have an appreciation for how little time I have. It takes me months to complete games. I probably wouldn't even be done with DA by the time W3 releases and like I said I'm afraid of fatigue. And I LOVED Far Cry 3, and FC4 looks to have improved every aspect. Getting a shooter and then switching up to a massive rpg for my next game will be a nice change of pace.

Of course Batman releases early next year too...why did I have kids again?
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