Dark Souls 2

This is going to be open like the last game was open.

I understand that but not in the same vain that Skyrim is open. Souls is.an open world full of different levels or envoironments with amazing combat and frightening boss battles at the end.of each area. Skyrim is a copy and paste of a mountain range, repetitive dungeons and.some.really boring towns. Also no "questing" like Skyrim and the dragons are actually intimidating.
I liked the Witcher 2, but I ddin't think it was all that great. Parts of it blew me away, but most of it was just decent. You could really tell that the 360 version was a port. It just played funny.
Ok so lets talk game here. What were the 2 little boxes under the left hand weapon andyone else see that. Also why did you health stone or whatever it is show up on screen alone so many times. Also haveing destroyable enviorments is gonna be sweet and the enemys looked bad ass
All I know is I'm pre-ordering so I don't miss out on the CE this time.

Also I finally ordered a copy of Dragon's Dogma Slay.
I agree that the enemies do look badass. They appear to be beefed up...I mean a hippotamus looking Cyclops. A metallic TMNT and fire breathing lizards. And a dragon castle. All of those dragons flying around that bridge was amazing. I am curious about the celestial marking next to the health and stamina. Graphical upgrade was very nice.and.the animations.are.mocapped now which makes them even smoother than before. I would love to.see improved crafting. I loved using souls to create unique weapons in.demons.souls. Oh an the environments had a demons souls.look and feel combined with the connected world.of dark.souls.
Oh yeah those turtle things you can't backstab that attack you in the dark where you have to choose between seeing them or blocking and who can also attack from behind. I'm not looking forward to fighting those things.
The graphics were amazing. I wonder if there will be another light ball spell so u dont have to use torch or a bug hat like DKS. But remeber the torch isnt that new na idea there was the lantern in the tomb of giants.

Also I have decided to plat Demons so I need some help with some rare weapons and some full upgraded ones if anyone can help. I screwed up with my world/character tendency and cant get some stuff now
So on amazon they brought some things up. Like when does the game take place prior to DKS and that bridge withthe dragons was that the painted world before it was confined to a painting question questions questions. I really hope this os ps3 and not 4 because if its a 4 launch title I have to buy a ps4 on day 1 and I dont want a original console I want the 2nd version with the kinks worked out
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