Call of Duty Advanced Warfare

I got roped back into this thanks to the B2G1 from Target last week. If it wasn't a freebie, I wasn't planning on getting it, but because it was and I saw a few friends playing I took a flyer on it.

The lag comp is MW3 bad. There's no rhyme or reason to when kills happen, it's random. Sometimes it takes two shots, sometimes it takes two clips. I played maybe five or six matches, and all of them but one were like this. Not a good first impression.

Also, I don't know if it's the exo suit or what, but something about the design in MP is just frustrating. It's like the whole game is set up so that you get a kill, die, respawn, and repeat constantly every 5-10 seconds. That's not fun to me, and I don't understand the enjoyment in it.

My problem is that it's set up so that you're almost forced to use the suit in order to evade getting killed, but I hate doing so because it gives me away on radar. That's the main difference between this and Titanfall (minus the big robots of course.) I'm fine with the speed of it, I just hate telegraphing where I'm at all the time.

I'll give it a few more shots because it's still new, but so far I kind of prefer Ghosts over this, and that's a bad thing.
I got roped back into this thanks to the B2G1 from Target last week. If it wasn't a freebie, I wasn't planning on getting it, but because it was and I saw a few friends playing I took a flyer on it.

The lag comp is MW3 bad. There's no rhyme or reason to when kills happen, it's random. Sometimes it takes two shots, sometimes it takes two clips. I played maybe five or six matches, and all of them but one were like this. Not a good first impression.

Also, I don't know if it's the exo suit or what, but something about the design in MP is just frustrating. It's like the whole game is set up so that you get a kill, die, respawn, and repeat constantly every 5-10 seconds. That's not fun to me, and I don't understand the enjoyment in it.

My problem is that it's set up so that you're almost forced to use the suit in order to evade getting killed, but I hate doing so because it gives me away on radar. That's the main difference between this and Titanfall (minus the big robots of course.) I'm fine with the speed of it, I just hate telegraphing where I'm at all the time.

I'll give it a few more shots because it's still new, but so far I kind of prefer Ghosts over this, and that's a bad thing.

The lag comp is bad and evading with the exo suit is difficult bc of the controls. When it works right though it is a run and gunner ' s dream.
man I unlocked an Elite version of the K5F sub machine gun called the "neckbreaker" it looks like its made of brass and is in the shape of a pirates blunderbuss... it shreads yo

I also got an elite helmet that looks like something out of Warframe
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