Battlefield 4

So listeing and slightly watching the re-recordings on twitch while working on my projects... found out that the 'Commander' position is limited to a rank it seems.

This is great, since it would greatly reduce the chance of a new and completely overwhelmed player from taking an important position. It also has a system in place that gives feedback to the commander to let him know if he is doing good or bad and a kick option if too much negative feedback was accumulated. Kind of like Natural Selection 2 I guess.
Hands on: Battlefield 4 Multiplayer on PS4
+ Posted by Sid Shuman // Social Media Manager
DICE's upcoming Battlefield 4 has captured the attention of military shooter enthusiasts for a host of reasons, not the least of which is the game's promise of 64-player multiplayer warfare running at a smooth 60 frames per second on PS4. At Gamescom, I got some hands-on time with the first PS4 build of the game — we were among the first group to play the PS4 build outside of DICE. Here's a quick after-action report.
For starters, the game runs at fluid 60 fps and its benefits were instantly noticeable on PS4. This translates to a decidedly smoother, much more responsive feel compared to Battlefield 3 on PS3. The speedy framerate means that the game simply controls better, whether you're quickly sweeping your aiming reticule to ward off a surprise close-range attack or making smaller aiming adjustments to nail a precise headshot. Sprinting and vaulting over low cover also feels much more responsive and gives you an edge in the game's sprawling battle zones, where death lurks around every corner and peers out of every window.
BF4 also benefits hugely from the many refinements of DualShock 4. The overhauled L2 and R2 triggers wrap snugly around your index fingers and respond crisply to every input, giving a satisfyingly precise and tactile feel as you fire your weapons. In the build I played, L1 and R1 handled grenades and a radial command menu, respectively. Tapping down on the PS4's refined directional pad cycled through weapon firing modes (semi-auto, burst fire, and fully automatic fire), while tapping left deployed class-specific equipment such as the Engineer's RPG.
Though the PS4 build was in a pre-release state, it provided a window into the game's visual strengths. The environments shimmer with eye-catching details, from billowing flames and smoke to grit blowing in the wind. Palm trees swayed dramatically, casting intricate shadows while rocket strikes lit up the surroundings. The audio was also noteworthy, surrounding the player in a symphony of shrieking mortars, whizzing bullets, and the eerie ping of nearby ricochets.
Developer DICE has confirmed that the PS4 version will support a full 64 players per match via PSN, plus an additional two slots reserved for Commander players. But more on that in a minute. BF4's 64 player count means that the PS4 version is in full parity with the game's PC counterpart, and the game's large-scale matches will span the land, sea and air as battles rage between infantry, aircraft, tanks and APCs and amphibious vehicles. DICE promises that amphibious combat will be a major highlight in BF4, after having been largely minimized in the past few Battlefield titles, and that players will have to negotiate heaving waves while attempting to outmaneuver enemy ships.
On the Domination level I played, a tropical battleground dubbed Paracel Storm, I clashed with enemy forces while locking down strategic points. The environments feel more interactive: you can open and close doors in order to avoid detection or trap enemies. And the new “Levelution” environment destruction feature figured prominently into the battle, as C4 charges and grenades gradually whittled down hardened checkpoints and exposed flag defenders to enemy fire. BF4 also marks the return of the Commander class, which is no longer a physical presence in the battle but can support his team by ordering supply drops, issuing squad orders, and foiling his enemy counterpart with EMP blasts and UAV deployments. In the final version of the game, BF4 will enable Commander players to guide their squads via a tablet application.
Pretty good writeup. Super excited for BF4 on the PS4. Gonna be so good. I like the closing/opening doors thing haha.
So I tried a little BF3 this weekend very little actually but I was trying to play with the kid and can you not play split screen on that game
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