Xbox One

yes I understand that, but the initial overall response usually comes from the tech community, and when you compare the % of people within that community to the overall number of potential consumers, we are still in a small %
a large number of people will buy this system and not actually understand what it does lol, and they will think it is a fantastic innovative piece of kit, and not see it for what it actually is
Well of course, the 360 and PS3 were the same way but here we are. Marketing and gimmicky tricks will never cease to reel people in like the sheep they are lol.

I just sit back and wonder if I'll get one of these VCRs for free like I did all 5 of my 360s.
I no doubt will get one once they drop in price, and a second version has been produced that fixes all the bugs in the first version lol
But only once they drop to an acceptable price though, as I expect these to cost a little bit over the top on release.
I'm interested to see will there be much of a gap between games on the 360/PS3 and the one/PS4. I can't imagine that there will be a huge gap.
There won't be at first besides a few games until later. It's only the bigger differences between console and PC which will be closed further. 60fps gameplay, 1080p gameplay, higher res textures, less compression, ect.

For anybody who did not know already, if you're thinking of purchasing an Xbox VCR/CDi you have a few things to contend with:
1. Console games now have activation codes like PC.
2. You need to connect to Live at least once every 24 hours while gaming or you're locked out of your games.
3. Used games on a different console than the original purchaser/licensee requires a fee or the use of the owners profile before gameplay.
4. And of course the obvious, no backwards compatibility.

But hey, at least you can watch ESPN, snap Skype, and play fantasy football instead of FIFA and Forza right? Let me just say this, for the 500-600 this console is inevitably going to cost (PS4 too) you are better off buying an APU based PC.
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OK, so I wasn't blown away by the VCR (lol), but I did like the integration/seamlessness with other apps on the machine (ESPN, music, blah blah, etc etc). I use those same apps on my 360. I don't have a problem with Microsoft targeting another market. I'd consider myself a lite gamer because of my work schedule, but I'm already a fan of gaming. They don't need to re-focus their efforts on me and many others who like the 360. So, if they want to pull in families, kids, social-ites, and those just plain tired of having a clutterf*** up at the ol' TV stand, why not? How does any of that affect my gaming profile or schedule? The option of interacting with the "gimmicks" is fine with me, but I'm sure the VCR will still play games just fine without me having to share whatever I do with some random community who could give two poops that I just blew the head off of every type of enemy in Blood Dragon.
Because their efforts of development are being wasted on this needless BS instead of actually developing to better a gaming experience. The downfall of a gaming console, and the uprising of a more modern media platform (the first being 360/PS3).

Hand gestures, ESPN, and the rest of the crap doesn't matter to me when I'm playing a game. Then again, those features don't cater to me because I don't watch TV, don't have a cable subscription, don't like sports/fantasy sports, and would rather be more immersed in my gaming console rather than trying to snap Skype so Microsoft can record all my convos.
Because their efforts of development are being wasted on this needless BS instead of actually developing to better a gaming experience. The downfall of a gaming console, and the uprising of a more modern media platform (the first being 360/PS3).

Hand gestures, ESPN, and the rest of the crap doesn't matter to me when I'm playing a game. Then again, those features don't cater to me because I don't watch TV, don't have a cable subscription, don't like sports/fantasy sports, and would rather be more immersed in my gaming console rather than trying to snap Skype so Microsoft can record all my convos.

So, don't get me wrong - I get it. I'm not disagreeing with you. I just wonder if I should have any feelings, good or bad, for the things that don't affect me. If it provides a medium for what you like to do, even with all of the other stuff, where's the bad in it - enough bad for me to say I am no longer going to use a console? And I'm really not trying to be a doosh about it.

You can do all of these things on a gaming rig, right - watch ESPN, watch TV, get on social sites, record gameplay, etc? So, I'm honestly asking what's the difference? These options on a rig don't take away from the gaming experience - why would those same things on a console-level take away from the experience?

No, it's not upgradeable like a PC but the families in their new target market don't want the complications and upkeep of a high-end gaming rig. But those who prefer consoles - we can still game. We can still use the controller. I can make the choice to not install and use those apps and use it strictly for gaming.
I think it's a handoff. If you want gay Kinect and TV via Gold, go VCR. If you want gay Facebooking and social whoring, go PS4.
If you want true gaming, go PC.

BTW, I doubt seriously either of these consoles will do 4k, which is like right around the corner.

Made me laugh, quoted you on Twitter :p

And on the topic, I'm not too bothered about consoles since I got my PC. Nothing of interest really, I found it amusing they spent part of their conference talking about dogs in Call Of Duty though. Oh and I think the One looks dead ugly.
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Only thing I use my console for really is Netflix; that and the occasional matches of BF3 with my friends, since that's what they all have it on and it's way more fun to play in a team than by yourself. My girlfriend plays my PS3, gamewise, more than I do nowadays.
I don't really game too much anymore. I spend 10x as much time looking at games and game news and game technology than I do actually playing the damn things.

That said, I read Anandtechs article, and Xbox one is just a fail even if I don't play too many games.

PS4 GPU is 50% more powerful. Xbox One has already lost in my eyes.
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