WoW question

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Solid State Member
Well ive been out of the wow loop for about a year and a half or so.. when Black Temple was the endgame. Im looking to start up again as a DPS class, I want to play a class that does not have to chug mana pots, so I have choices of warrior, rogue, and DK ( they use runic power or something right?)
I will be playing in endgame content (my old guild is going to take me back in whatever role I choose.) So with the new upcoming patch in mind, what is the TOP dpser of the mentioned classes?

Just looking to get a second opinion on this, thanks.
Don't do it. If you escaped its grasp dont go back. That being said, DK is crazy op right now.
I stopped after three years or so, bought WOTLK and never played it. I even have a game card sitting around since Christmas or so, still in its plastic wrapping, but DK is kinda tempting me. :D Tell us oldtimers what it's like if you do decide to give it another go, eh?
I used to play WoW and I consider myself a very competitive gamer that being said I used to love WoW
I got in around the time tier 2 had just came out, I if saw somebody with epics they were godly and PvP had Warlords that would strike fear into everyone,...then the expos started coming...

5 year olds can get epics after a few arena matches and the game is so crowded you'll be lucky if anyone can remember your name.

The game is sooo casual now...don't go back man find yourself a good game and have some GGs

Well, I've played since release until mid-TBC, and I don't really think that having epics was ever any indication of skill. Being in an MC farming guild back then, with heavy schedules and big penalties for everything in order to farm FR gear for skill necessary. It was a blast though. :) PvP in WoW was never about skill either. Back in the day before arenas a BWL equipped toon (equipment acquired via PvE) would own in logical is that? Forgot to add that now in arenas, it's a huge rock paper scissor game. It's a bit better than the old resto druid ownage in arenas, but in the end it's just more of the same. WoW was never balanced with PvP in mind.
In WoW its Class > Spec > Gear > Skill. If you are FotM, you dont need skill or gear, just the ability to spec properly and roll your face across the keyboard. Yay, you just won at PvP. That being said, the immense amount of imbalances in the game, and the fact that i'm getting sick of wiping on 2 drake sartharian because of 10 mouthbreathers in my guild that cant stay out of the stupid void zones, i think i'm cancelling again. I need to put my rig to real use and knock out some of the games on the shelf that have gone neglected for 4 years.
All being said, there have been some truly epic PvE encounters in long as no one in your guild has an IQ below 80, which, regretfully, sometimes seems to be less than 10% of the WoW playerbase.
I say go for it, if you have the time. I mean if you get out of the swing of WOW for too long, you're going to have a tough time adjusting to changes in the game, AH, just everything.

But with that being said, I would definately try out a Death Knight. They are lots of fun and you get to start off as a lv57ish after you do the initial storyline. I wouldn't go as far as to say that they are the highest DPS though, I think Rogues still have the belt on that one.
Nope, dks can faceroll their way to higher dps and pvp damage than rogues. Mutilate got nerfed.
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