Weekday Gaming

Your best days with this game are behind you. Unless you get a consistent person to grind levels with on UVHM it isn't much fun. Thankfully Rhu and I found each other in a sea of loneliness and our love story was borne. It is the stuff of legends.

Does this legend have a theme song? All great stories of legend have songs to go with them.. o.o
That right there is the single greatest piece of musical genious. It makes Beethoven's 5th look like the Richard Simmons of music.
Why would you grind levels on a game you have already beaten like 3 or 4 times? I am glad rhu rhu has found a kindred spirit to share his OCD with

Wasnt really grinding levels. Going through UVHM was a grind in and of itself. The levels just came with going through it. Grinding levels would come now because there is nothing after UVHM and you would only be playing to get to 72.
Your best days with this game are behind you. Unless you get a consistent person to grind levels with on UVHM it isn't much fun. Thankfully Rhu and I found each other in a sea of loneliness and our love story was borne. It is the stuff of legends.

Oh my bad I thought you said you were grinding levels
Oh my bad I thought you said you were grinding levels

Yeah, sorry wasn;t really what I meant by levels there. I meant each map/level/area. Regardless, it is a HEAVY grind. Not quite at the MMO level, but it's pretty monotonous. Farming bosses is actually more fun.
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