Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

Woke at 5:30 (I do not know why) and proceeded to drink a pot of coffee (caffeine is a must in IT). Arrived at work around 8am, and so far replaced a monitor, a Virtual PC/OS2 problem, corrected a delivery error from Blackberry, and rebuilt a mirror. Oh and I also suggested (to deaf ears) that we implement somthing along the lines of Spice Works and that we admins are notified when NetOps decides to start upgrading things in the middle of the night. Waiting on a weekly staff meeting where the higher ups on the call want to hear nothing but pleasant things
Re: Today I have...

Woke up at 530, work at 630. Worked till 11. Came home, had lunch and took a short nap. Went out to work on my bikes. Ate supper. Now I'm going to relax, take a shower, and then go to bed.
Re: Today I have...

Worked 14 hours. People at the hardware store have horrible communication, sold us a bunch of stuff that they didn't even end up having...I was left there to deal with it. Then the person I was working with loaded up and tied down five 10foot studs, and then in the middle of the street in traffic the went way left and fell of the truck. Almost hit another care. HECK OF A DAY TO SAY THE LEAST :) But bring it on is what I say :D

Haven't been on the forum in a long time, sure miss you guys, especially that cutie Mak. HAHA.
Re: Today I have...

Got to wake up at 7:30 (luxury! :D) because my boss is sick, and seeing as there's only us two in the IT dept I had to cover more of the day (8:30-5:00 instead of 7:30-3:30). Went for a few drinks after work, got home and played some CSCZ (with new skin pack and mission packs of course). Watched a couple of movies then hit the hay at 11.
Got to wake up at 7:45! ZOMG! pretty standard day so far, got a steak sandwich ordered for lunch and a few things to do about the place. Then I'll head out for a few drinks with a few chicks, and I've got an easy 150 bucks after that to make fixing someones pc.
Re: Today I have...

Haven't been on the forum in a long time, sure miss you guys, especially that cutie Mak. HAHA.
Wow someone who actually misses me? I must mark this down in my calendar and save it for all times. Priceless comment there James.
Re: Today I have...

Slept like crap, up at 5:30, work at 6:30. Went to the hardware store because we needed a new bit, but they didn't open for 20 minutes, so I got to sit there and wait. Got the stuff I needed and headed back to work. Lunch at 11:15 and back to work by 12:15. Worked until about 4 and loaded up all the tools and drove to the next job site. Dropped off the lift and the trailer, went to the gas station and got some water, Home by 5:45. Decided I didn't want to change my oil tonight, now I'm waiting on supper, then shower, some t.v. and bed.
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