Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

Come to Europe, Better music, Better food, Less incest.

I wish I could, mate. If nothing else I could help you out. I seriously doubt the economy is as bad over there in the UK as it is here right now. I have a job... but after the first of the year it all goes up in the air as the company that bought us out is waiting until after the holidays to figure out how to integrate the company.

"We bought the company because we couldn't pass it up, but we don't have a plan on what to do with it yet or if we are going to keep any of you and are going to wait until the busy holiday season is over before we decide if you are all out of a job. Oh, and have a merry Christmas."
Re: Today I have...

the govt wont fix the real economic issues and won't spend taxpayer money on the people, yet they waste this tax money on giving favors to the entertainment industry..... that makes me ashamed to live here in the US!
Re: Today I have...

The sweeds are nice people, little odd in there own special way, Iceland is well Iceland if you want to avoid incest and byork avoid Iceland, The Swiss come off obnoxious and are more sensitive about "The War" than germans.

Germany is a Lovey country so is the Netherlands the land of Clogs, Danish Pasty, and reasonably priced love.

Switzerland is scary. Seriously getting off a plane at Geneva you realise its just a perfect arien race. Everyone is tall, healthy, with blue eyes and blonde hair. I wasn't too fond of them they were very rude.

I wish I could, mate. If nothing else I could help you out. I seriously doubt the economy is as bad over there in the UK as it is here right now. I have a job... but after the first of the year it all goes up in the air as the company that bought us out is waiting until after the holidays to figure out how to integrate the company.

"We bought the company because we couldn't pass it up, but we don't have a plan on what to do with it yet or if we are going to keep any of you and are going to wait until the busy holiday season is over before we decide if you are all out of a job. Oh, and have a merry Christmas."

Hmm... there are a lot of british that would have a lot to say about that. I mean it's not a contest of who's worse off but if you think are economy is anything even approaching good you should check out the politics sections of the bbc news website.
Re: Today I have...

that all depends on the area you go to... there are good areas and bad areas and *******s and good people in every area.
Re: Today I have...

that all depends on the area you go to... there are good areas and bad areas and *******s and good people in every area.

It was Geneva.. it's the capital city, and it's very well off. If thats the good part **** i would not like to visit the bad part.

I wish I could, mate. If nothing else I could help you out. I seriously doubt the economy is as bad over there in the UK as it is here right now. I have a job... but after the first of the year it all goes up in the air as the company that bought us out is waiting until after the holidays to figure out how to integrate the company.

"We bought the company because we couldn't pass it up, but we don't have a plan on what to do with it yet or if we are going to keep any of you and are going to wait until the busy holiday season is over before we decide if you are all out of a job. Oh, and have a merry Christmas."

It's pretty much like that at most crappy run companies. My dads company just held a party for them all to tell them there would be no more lay offs this year. Yeah, we have 2 weeks of this year left, thanks for that! The big wigs that run these companies have some serious nerve.

I can kind of understand it, if a company is poor and losing money, then they have to do what they have to do. But they're a bank and they're not poor by anyones standards.
A clanmate of mine posted this and I thought I would pass it along for those in the UK and Europe:

1 x ASUS EAH 6770 Radeon card - I am asking £55 + £2.50 P&P within the UK or at cost overseas

Cost new £109.99 from PC World (09/10/2011 - so long warranty)

Reson for sale - it was a gap filler when my GeForce died.

It runs BC2 and BF3 with no problems.

I'm open to (very sensible) offers on this card.

If anyone is interested I will pas it along to him.
Adam Savage tweeted this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vindfGQuC-4 these girls sound pretty awesome.

and OMG, IF DIS REAL MUST HAVE !!! Okay so there are spelling mistakes, still could be real :p

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