Official Tech-Forums Post Your "Picture of the Day" Thread! (56k Warning)

Fremont bridge here in Portland


Nikon D700
24mm @ f/5.6
ISO 200
30 Seconds.

Taken at Burbank Airport from the Control Tower Balcony.

Pentax K100D
Pentax 55-300mm f/4-5.6

Part of a series of photographs of St Helens and Mt. Hood at night that i've shot over the last 5 days.

These are the digital "proofs" so to speak.

I used my D700 to focus my lenses before putting them on the F100 and N80 so I could make sure i'm in focus and wouldn't have to guesstimate it. On digital, because the amplification is constant and linear, it's much easier to take some pot shots at a couple seconds at ISO 25,000 or 6,400, then crunch the numbers down to the equivalent exposures at ISO100, 200, or 400.

Have yet to develop the film from this location and Mt. Hood earlier this morning (like 3 hours ago), but from some shots of Mt. Hood from Tuesday night, things should look at least /printable/. I'm hoping Acros 100 has as good of reciprocity as what i've heard. The TMAX400 I shot originally at Mt. Hood on Tuesday didn't look too super. Printable, but barely.

Essentially, if the digital shot at ISO 400 took 6 minutes, the film shot takes an hour and a half. That's reciprocity failure for ya!

I'll post more (and better) soon :)
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