No internet connection


In Runtime
Hey Everyone,

It's been awhile since I have posted. I need some help pointing me in the right direction to fix a problem I am experiencing. Every time I turn on my computer in the morning or reboot it I can't seem to get a internet connection for up to 10 minutes after the computer boots up. My browser launches right away however; I get a "page cannot be displayed". I also notice that my team viewer on PC doesn't get a connection either.

Any ideas?
Made sure your network drivers are up to date from the network card manufacturer's site?
Ugh... I can't believe I forgot to check that. I hates wins 8. What is a good way to tell what drivers version that are installed? It was so easy to find that in previous versions.
Ugh... I can't believe I forgot to check that. I hates wins 8. What is a good way to tell what drivers version that are installed? It was so easy to find that in previous versions.

The exact same way you checked in Win7 ;). Through Device manager.

Double click the network device -> Details tab -> should show the driver info.

No problems with Win8 on my end, and I've been running it since release.
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