is anybody elses xbox live messed up today?

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Baseband Member
i cant connect to other peoples partys they have to join me or if im lucky i can sometimes get in and i just got kinect and when i pressed video connect i heard my mic do that noise when you leave a party and it just said my xbox no game market place or anything asif it lost connection but the box that said connecting looked like it froze but my avatar was still moving i pressed the power button on my xbox but it didint do anything it made a noise but then after 5-10 seconds it shut down is this the cause of the internet or my xbox it self :S

sorry if this was not exactly clear but thats my problem please help

No issues here. Was online this morning at 1am lkaging with my brother and was just on again an hour ago. Playing Halo:Reach with no issues at all. Joined his game and we chatted about the coming of fall amd our cars. So no it isnt XBOX Live.
so whats my problem then :S my internet has been dodgy all day and then i got disconnected while kinect was trying to connect to something online and then the box froze but my avatar was still moving so it didnt freeze properly enless it was trying to do something still
Have you contacted your ISP? Have they confirmed that it is not something with their service? Have you tried to reconfigure your Router? Have you done anything to test the setup? Have you port forwarded your XBOX Ports through your router? I cant answer what your problem is. I don't live there, I don't do tech support there. I do know that you have more problems with your XBOX than anyone else I know who owns the unit. Did you buy it used? If so that could easily be the issue there. I would look to contact Microsoft and send it in for repair.
yeah but i just complain about a little thing all the time i love my xbox plus ive just turned 16 im obsessed with xbox if im honest i do go out but i love xbox thats why i get worked up about little problems and i think its my internet as i keep getting disconnected loads and my connection on games are really low my internets usally really good
Ever think that maybe blowing every little problem out of proportion is part of your trouble? You didn't answer a single question I asked. We can't help you if you refuse to do nothing to help yourself. Just cause your Internet is usually reliable doesn't men that it isn't the cause of the issue now.

Start at the beginning with my questions nd work your way through it. Instead of getting all worked up cause you can't play XBOX for a few hours try to fix the issues yourself instead of thinking that the service is always the cause or that you are or are not the only with such issues and make sure that everything on your end is properly working.

After that then ask if other are experiencing issues or search the XBOX Site first. We are not Microsoft, we are not certified by them to do support or repairs. We are just normal users just like you. We all have to start with making sure everything on our end works first before jumping to it being a service problem. You get an issue and right away you are here asking if there is no issue with the service without doing anything on your end. We can't help you if of don't help yourself? Doesn't matter if you are 16 or 60.
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