General iOS6

I find iOS 6 to be a very solid OS, but I think the game is up for Apple and it's time to try something new. As much as I hate to say it they can take a lot of tips from the Android OS. More widgets in the notification center and live app icons would be great to see.

Who knows? Maybe iOS 7 will revolutionize iOS!
Nothing groundbreaking to me. Seems like just another step in the right direction (save for Apple maps, but I haven't had very many issues with it.. I'd just prefer Google Maps)
I'd love to see some widgets on the SpringBoard...

And Google Maps was SO MUCH better than Apple Maps. :yuno:
I think that it is badly needed. Much of the reason why Android is gaining so much ground on iOS is due to the disappointment and limitations of iOS 6 I reckon.
Yeah, I can understand that. It does feel limiting by comparison at times. I don't normally recommend an iPhone unless you're going to jailbreak it, which I totally do all the time. Only reason I haven't bought an IP5 yet is lack of jailbreak.
they're slowly adding more and more ****. They added the Passbook app which is cool i'll give it that, but I WILL NEVER USE ITTTT!!!!!!!!!! Same with game center, the only 'game' i use on my phone is the new york times crossword puzzle app.. Those and like stocks, itunes, voice memo's etc... I don't use, and it frustrates the **** out of me that I can't remove them. I can't understand how they are 'integral' to the OS. I understand that they want to cover the broadest amount of users, but you have to try to delete things, you're not just going to accidentally delete iTunes, and if you do you shouldn't have a smartphone. For the most part I just have the apps I don't use in a little folder on another screen that I don't go to, but it'd be nice to only have 1 page of apps that I use all of, and when I open up something I don't want alerts from them! Every time I open up my crossword puzzle I get a WELCOME BACK PETERCORT!!! game center alert, and it keeps asking me to log in or disable game center (which it doesn't disable) and it's annoying as ****. Other than that, when they first released it, it was slow and choppy as hell on my 4s so i can't imagine how it was on the 4.. That and the new maps suck. I kinda like the turn by turn, but I don't have my phone mounted in a place where it's convenient, and it's annoying when it mutes my music to scream at me to TURN IN A MILE, TURN IN A HALF MILE, TURN IN A QUARTER MILE, TURN NOW, REDIRECTING... other than that I'm happy with my iphone because I just use it for email, texting, calling, the internet, calendar, and my crossword puzzle.

-I wish apple would stop adding in apps you can't remove, they have fail-safe's in place so you don't delete apps by accident, just let us remove everything if we want.
-Maps kinda sucks, I can see it's positives but they're not positive for me.
-Initial release was super slow and choppy on my 4s, took a week to update and fix it, come on... your QC is great, how did this slip by.
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There's an issue with the passcode in ios 6.1.2 update and there's a rumor that apple will release ios 6.1.3 but people/hackers will no longer be able to jailbreak it. :(

My gf ran into some weird pass code issue today, and I'm not sure what she ended up doing about it.

On the other hand, I VERY HIGHLY doubt that you will no longer be able to jailbreak with 6.1.3 or whatever they call it upon release.

I won't ever own an apple device unless I can jailbreak it. Even then, it's still too simple for me.

Does anyone know how iOS 6 will run on an iPod touch 4g? I've been debating updating and re-jail breaking, but I've heard about it being slooowww
My gf ran into some weird pass code issue today, and I'm not sure what she ended up doing about it.

On the other hand, I VERY HIGHLY doubt that you will no longer be able to jailbreak with 6.1.3 or whatever they call it upon release.

I won't ever own an apple device unless I can jailbreak it. Even then, it's still too simple for me.

Does anyone know how iOS 6 will run on an iPod touch 4g? I've been debating updating and re-jail breaking, but I've heard about it being slooowww

If your 4g touch is running 5.1.1 I don't recommend upgrading. iOS 6 is extremely slow on the 4g touch. Multitasking on it lags it out like crazy. If you have a 4g touch, stick with 5.1.1.
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