X-Fire/Steam Names

generalpatton is Mine

(My first name is Kyle.. there are 2 generalpatton's)

I play COD5, L4D, Killing Floor and soon to be BF1943, Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising..etc
Stream. It's keyboard Cowboy.

Could some one invite me into the TF Steam Group please.
my steam is overlord20... You can invite me too :D I play COD4 and L4D

EDIT: Someone needs to bring the TechForums group back to life.
Xfire: finismundis
feel free to add me, geting a new pc on the 07/10/09, plan on playing a lot of games, especially halo, COD and L4D
@Finis - 07/10/09? I believe you have you're dates mixed up...

hoOt^^ = Steam!
I've got TF2(most played), CS, and CS:S. If anyone plays tf2 regularly and wants to meet up, send me an invite!
The US is about the only country that writes dates as "month/day/year". Since Finis is not from or in the US, he wrote it like the rest of the world does, "day/month/year". Even our military uses "d/m/y".
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