What is it about WoW that makes so many people addicted to it?

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Daemon Poster
Planet Earth.
People who don't even "game" play this. I remember back in high school a LOT of people played this who never have or don't play video games, except for this one. And they didn't just play it now and then, they spent just as many hours playing it per week as most of us spend playing computer games per week.

Blizzard created a perfect storm. LOW system requirments, easy learning curve, and from what I understand it never ends.

My question is, what makes the 11.5 million of you pay $$ per month to play it? And what about it makes so many people addicted to it? Are you addicted to it?
Ex-Wow player. Was playing pretty much full time for about 2 years. I had a nasty guild split up and since then the game has not been the same. Been trying MMOs here and there. However others have not been holding the same interest for me or i just have other IRL things that i need to attend to.

What makes wow so addictive.....
1. Extremely user friendly interface and easy learning curve. Hence how easy it get started. It's extremely easy to level up. Once you quest out one area, just work on the next.

2. New content is coming out all the time. Not just the with new expanisions, but with new patches too. I think that this is the main source of the addiction as there is constantly new and harder challenges coming out all the time. And this is where players, groups and guilds need to contantly work on their tactics to beat the bosses. Like how here remember's when Molten Core first came out.

3. Well supported. I have seen plenty of other MMO where the support is no existant.

4. Extremely well marketed to get in new playiers. Not only do you have $2 try wow out for 14 days, but there is the referal program which gives players a free game time if the referel signs up for a full account.

5. Escapism. It gets you way from the doom and gloom of reality. However that describes just about any MMO or computer game. I know plenty of people where the second they get home, the MMO gets turned on.

6. Keyboard Jockies. The 13 to 30 year old basement virgin that thinks that his **** don't stink while he's online. Meet them in person, and they are perfectly okay, but thier behavor online is have if they are taking thier revenge on the rest of the work. And since they are behind a keyboard and monitor, you really can do any thinkg about touching them.
I used to play WoW a lot. I never thought I would get hooked, but I had nothing else to do in most of my spare time, so I'd play online with a few kids from school.

The reason I think it's so addicting is that there's always something to do, and there's so many ways to do it. There's also tons of goals: leveling up, getting better armor/weapons, improving skills, raiding, PVPing, and more. It's really well thought out, the graphics are good for the low specs it requires, and there's so many people that you always can interact with someone. I'm glad I got unhooked though. :D
I'm almost afraid to try it, because I'm pretty sure I would love it way too much. I don't really have the time or the money to pay to play something like that. I probably have like, 3 free trial disks that haven't touched my PC.
I know a good amount of people that love to play this game, but I myself hate it. I played it for a good amount of time (I didn't play for like 10 mins then call it quits) I put 5 or 6 hours in it got to like level 15 and never really started again because it was so boring. I guess after playing another MMORPG for about 2 1/2 years I really hate MMO's; they suck your life away. So instead of letting WoW suck my life away I let Oblivion do it instead.
I played WoW for about a year shortly after it first came out. It's a fun game and it's easy to play, that's why I kept doing it for so long. Plus the social aspect, meeting new people, having your friends play with you, etc. was a lot of fun.
WoW, for me, was a huge contrast to most MMO's out before. (Ex. Everquest) Where everquest was seriously like clocking in for a job and impossible to get anything done, WoW is a real game. Its fairly easy for the hardcore gamer, but also caters (somewhat poorly) for the casual gamer.
I'm really not sure what people see in it tbh, its a weak (all be it large) RPG and unless you're gaming with a friend or group of friends it gets boring pretty quick. For a lone player there are plenty of traditional RPG's out there that provide a much more engaging experiance.

I guess the draw of WOW and other mmorpgs is the social aspect, i.e. that you're there with a bunch of other people and just that fact adds a whole new dimension to gaming. You never know who you're going to bump into and so the gameplay is somewhat alive... it does help if you're a social person though, if you're somthing of a introvert then wow probably isn't going to change that and you're probably not going to have as much fun.

I got to about lvl 50 then quit, it just takes too much time, to be a wow player you pretty much have to live your life around wow.

Haveing said all of the above wow does have that somthing special about it, i've played other mmorpgs (esp ultima online back in the 56k days) and they don't come close to wow, wow is accessible and interactive and it puts players together, ultima online with a maxed pop server you could walk round for hours without seeing anyone else, and I don't remember ever questing in a group, there were a couple of dungeon raids when I joined a guild but other than that I can count the group play occasions on one hand.... in wow it just happens.
i have to echo the social aspect as being a big factor. yea the game is great looking, and is complex enough to keep you busy for a long time, but i remember times when i'd be sitting there lol-ing irl because of conversations i'd be having with guildies. my wife would be sitting there enjoying a movie and i'd crack up for no apparent reason.

yea it is addicting, i don't play cuz i can't afford it atm, but i am wary of starting it up again because i have spent a lot of time on multiple toons. one of the best games i've ever played.
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