Weekend Gaming

So much to play and not enough time. Still playing and enjoying Destiny 2. Need to wrap up Kingdom Hearts 1. I just bought the Battlefield 1 premium pass. I am getting PUBG on the Xbox tonight with a gift card...Then Christmas is about a week away. I don't have time for all of this!!!
Easy, don't play the last 2. They're trash.
So much to play and not enough time. Still playing and enjoying Destiny 2. Need to wrap up Kingdom Hearts 1. I just bought the Battlefield 1 premium pass. I am getting PUBG on the Xbox tonight with a gift card...Then Christmas is about a week away. I don't have time for all of this!!!

PUBG on Xbox performs pretty terribly, just FYI. It's in their early development program...and Digital Foundry did a video on it and the OneX gets like 30fps, with dips often. I'd honestly wait on the console version of the game for a little while.
PUBG on Xbox performs pretty terribly, just FYI. It's in their early development program...and Digital Foundry did a video on it and the OneX gets like 30fps, with dips often. I'd honestly wait on the console version of the game for a little while.

You're talking to a guy who loves EA Battlefield, EA Star Wars, Destiny 2, and CoD games. He doesn't mind paying for a ****ty undeveloped game
PUBG on Xbox performs pretty terribly, just FYI. It's in their early development program...and Digital Foundry did a video on it and the OneX gets like 30fps, with dips often. I'd honestly wait on the console version of the game for a little while.

Thanks. I have heard mixed reviews, but I have a gift card burning a hole in my pocket. I definitely don't have to get it now. As I said, I have a lot on my plate anyway.
Thanks. I have heard mixed reviews, but I have a gift card burning a hole in my pocket. I definitely don't have to get it now. As I said, I have a lot on my plate anyway.

I'd sell you mine if I could. I played a couple of games of pubg last night and it was so broken. I am playing on the Xbox one s. Not the new x.

While fortnight runs great, pubg was archaic.

Be warned.
I'd sell you mine if I could. I played a couple of games of pubg last night and it was so broken. I am playing on the Xbox one s. Not the new x.

While fortnight runs great, pubg was archaic.

Be warned.

Sorry man. Yeah, I'll stay away for now. Fortnite is a decent game. The shooting is pretty loose though.
I love Battlefield 1. You didn't like it?
Like with Battlefield 4 I enjoyed the beta because it was fresh and after a week or so of playing them after launch it started to become cancer. Hella cancer. Mind you I have BF1 Premium on both PC and PS4, and the experience is pretty much the same on both. You suffer from hackers or terrible lag due to **** server placement, terrible netcode, or no maximum latency on servers. I find it quite hilarious that Dice shoveled out 60hz servers really really late into BF4 but removed central servers and 40/60hz tickrates for BF1. It makes it that much worse after playing Destiny 2 for quite a while. More than likely I won't like BF1 until the next one is out and the cancerous *******s are gone. Aka hackers and high ping dickwads. I should also mention that I just really don't like the period much at all and most of the maps are complete ****. I find myself playing BF4 with a good friend a lot more than BF1, and I didn't have BF1 installed for months until yesterday.

PUBG on Xbox performs pretty terribly, just FYI. It's in their early development program...and Digital Foundry did a video on it and the OneX gets like 30fps, with dips often. I'd honestly wait on the console version of the game for a little while.

I'd sell you mine if I could. I played a couple of games of pubg last night and it was so broken. I am playing on the Xbox one s. Not the new x.

While fortnight runs great, pubg was archaic.

Be warned.
Fortnite is developed by a competent studio and taking advantage of the fantastic engine. PUBG is developed by a ****head that has released a few half assed games *cough* mods *cough* and will probably never actually be finalized. Seriously, the rubber banding and unoptimization is so terrible I don't even see how they could remotely call it esports ready. I mean I could lay down and my team would say I'm under the ground. It doesn't really surprise me in the least that it performs like even more dog**** on a console. I really don't understand why people like this game so much tbh. I mean even walking around in general is so ****ing clunky I feel like I'm playing KH1 on the PS2 and the textures remind me of such as well.
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