web desgin?


Baseband Member
if i said im interested in a career as a web desginer what would i actually be getting into?

and typically whats the income on that? and how many degrese/education needed?
Income will vary depending on your location, industry, what you are actually doing (IE designing the site vs designing art) and how long you've been doing it.

I don't have much experience in web design but I have a cousin that did do web design for a Wal-Mart for a while. She had a degree but she ended up doing a lot of specific icon creations - it wasn't really web design, it was more art work on a graphic level.

So to answer your questions as best as i can:
1. What you will be doing depends on the job you get - web design can be anything from structuring a website, PHP and C++ coding, aesthetics to designing the icons and pictures shown on the website.
2. Income varies man, just like anything else. My google's shows that the average income is around 60k a year - but that depends on a ton of factors. Considering you have zero experience I would think you would probably be in the 45k range.
3. I would get an associates or bachelors from an accredited university in web design.
So basiclly its a ton of things to learn & you take whatever you get & youll be doing anything & everything you study for. Any cheap collages? Im dirt broke but 45k a year sounds great.
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