video game inspired tattoo's

Borst - I feel sorry for your pecker

Girl- Yeah, Borst! You are such a stud. Give it to me.
Borst- You know how I roll, girl. Prepare to be dazzled.
(Sloppy kissing and disrobing occur)
Girl- What is that tattoo of?
Borst- Funny you should ask. See, I am a fan of Star Wars and Borderlands, so I decided to....
Borst, you should totally send a pic of that tattoo to Pitchford. Gearbox might send you some stuff.
Girl- Yeah, Borst! You are such a stud. Give it to me.
Borst- You know how I roll, girl. Prepare to be dazzled.
(Sloppy kissing and disrobing occur)
Girl- What is that tattoo of?
Borst- Funny you should ask. See, I am a fan of Star Wars and Borderlands, so I decided to....

Doesn't that kinda sum up all nerds
I am a bit of a nerd and have no tattoos. Also, I have yet to put a girl to sleep during "magic time". Usually I put them to sleep before I have my magic time with them...
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