Turn gaming PC off or leave it on?

Oooo...where are the timer settings located? The only reason I leave mine on 24/7 is I like to sit down to a booted and working PC with my first cup of java in the morning. If I could have it come on a few minutes before I usually sit down to it that would be ideal.

Oh, but then again....I have my virus scanning happen while I'm sleeping. Hmmm....

Anyway, by leaving it on all the time I think it gets dustier a lot quicker because it's always pulling air into it. Unless you live in a totally dust-free environment I think that may factor in to the longevity of the components over time but I never tested that theory. :)
Oooo...where are the timer settings located? The only reason I leave mine on 24/7 is I like to sit down to a booted and working PC with my first cup of java in the morning. If I could have it come on a few minutes before I usually sit down to it that would be ideal.

Oh, but then again....I have my virus scanning happen while I'm sleeping. Hmmm....

Anyway, by leaving it on all the time I think it gets dustier a lot quicker because it's always pulling air into it. Unless you live in a totally dust-free environment I think that may factor in to the longevity of the components over time but I never tested that theory. :)

Are you asking about how to shut down/start up on a timer?
If so, I recently wrote two articles on that! Hopefully the links will show...

How to Shut Down Automatically

How to start up automatically
You don't have to be too strict with this kind of thing but it's generally not a good idea to leave your computer on all of the time. I turn mine off most evenings or when I'm travelling.
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