Survival horror has been great in recent years...

Moto Bug

In Runtime
United Kingdom
After a lot of Action Horror slop was released, I think horror gaming got better around 2014. However, I think Resident Evil remains so very overrated.

Michael Does Life covered the Konami showcase a few months back.

What do you thnk about The Dark Pictures series?
I did not even play in SH. due to old graphics but I would like to hear some recommendations.
The Dead Space remake was pretty neat as well!

However, nothing will ever top playing Silent Hill 2 on the PS2 - simply genius! I doubt they can replicate that same level of cleverly infused dread accompanying every second of play with the upcoming remake.

The original RE4 is also a damn-near-perfect game (though not exactly "survival horror"), so I'm holding my breath for the new version as well :)
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