Some of my users can't open any office products

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I have a terminal server setup on windows 2003 server R2. I have installed microsoft office on it. All my domain users can open word , excel and other office documents easily however, when one of my users open word documents it says

"Please wait while windows configures microsoft office professional edition 2003
Gathering required information...."

This happens everytime (when that particular) user open any office documents...there is no problem for any other terminal server users.

I did also add that user to administrator group incase there is a permission problem, no luck.. I am tired troubleshooting this. please help.

Thank you
I have seen that error when the setup files are missing. But if it is only for one user that is strange. Does this user only log in to the same machine?
This is his active directory account, he has a windows XP machine where he login in the local network and he uses remote desktop to login to Terminal server from home and elsewhere.

I am surprised why this is coming up. Is it because of disk space ? If it was then i have not set up any disk quota. There is absolutely no problem for any other user to open word and excel.

I am trying to find the solution but still having no luck.
Nightmere happened, Yes it did solve the problem to read the files by recreating that user, however he has lost his exchange mail box ( from exchange 2003 server) . He has about 4300 emails :(

I went to Exchange mailbox and there are 2 mailbox with that username, i tested by sending mail, he got the mail on his new mailbox. I can see his anothermail box right there but how can I move his mail and addressbook ?

I did rightclick Exchange Task > Move mailbox but it grays out and i can't move forward, pls help

Pleseeeeeeee help :(

Is there a way I can directly download mailbox from ESM as a pst ? and upload from local Outlook to the server new account ?
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