SEO - Positives or Negatives to re-post an article on multiple article sites?...

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Solid State Member
Long Island, NY

If I host a blog as a sub-page on my website (i.e. by the means of the WordPress Ad-on), and I re-post one of my blog articles on other article websites (because my article links to my site); will this be beneficial or bad in terms of SEO for my website?

The reason I could see it being bad SEO is because wouldn't Google see it as duplicate content on two different websites?

Although, I know a lot of people try this approach because they believe it gets them multiple links to their site.

So plain and simply, is it good or bad SEO practice for my website, to re-post an article from my blog on other article websites?

I am trying to figure this out myself. Overall, it is safer if you post a different article. I am still trying to figure out how the google spider works. It is a tall order :tongue: There are SEO specialists for hire. I am not sure what I am gonna do. I have not used any official service before. In a way it's cool to figure out stuff on my own, but there is a limit. I am getting better everyday though.
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