Random Chit Chat

We're still hanging in here.

Yesterday I did something that really makes me sad. I have a Surface Pro 3 that I bought in June 2014, the first day they went on sale. Love my Surface but yesterday I went to use it and somehow it slipped from my hands. I did some juggling trying to catch it on the way down but it landed on the tile floor and the screen is now cracked. The thing still boots up and works put the screen no longer responds to touch input so it's useless as a tablet now.

However, there is some goodness in this since my wife told me to go ahead and get a new one. I just ordered a brand new Surface Pro 7! It actually cost less than what I paid for the Pro 3 5 1/2 year ago and comes with twice as much RAM and a 10th generation i5 as opposed to a 3rd generation i5 in the old model.

Gonna be a Merry Christmas for me!
There was actually a period in which it lost its purpleness, simply because I had become homeless for so long that it grew out until almost nothing of the purple remained. Upon my eventual escape from that living situation, I dyed it once more. It feels as if I've regained a forsaken part of myself, which is nice.
I'm typing this post from my new Surface Pro 7! Picked it up from the store this afternoon.

I also checked into getting the screen on the old one replaced. I got a quote from a local place for $250. I don't think it would be a good idea to spend that much repairing a tablet that's almost 6 years old.
Surface tablets are notoriously irreparable. It may not be the case with the newer generations, but I recall ifixit rating one of them as the single worst device they'd ever encountered.

Edit: New ones are no better. My advice: Buy insurance on it. It's potentially a $500+ bill if you break the new one in the same way.
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