RAM issues

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KoF Ripsaw

In Runtime
Where you keep your poptarts
Ill start my computer. After all my background loads i will go into my web browser, Especially youtube. It starts to lag so I look at task manager to see if its on my end as usual. It is. Apparently 5Gb of Ram is being used at this point. I havent installed anything new. I look at processes and the most RAM heavy object is SVCHost.exe and that is 192,000k give or take 10,000. I did a quick scan with microsoft security essentials and found nothing but after I did that it went back down to its normal idle usage of 1.8 GB, but scvhost is still at the same number as with the other processes.

Now it appears its slowly going up in RAM usage. Still no new programs open. It will go up in ram usage, go down a bit and then go up again. It repeats this untill it gets back to 5gb. At least this is what happened on other occasions.

Makes me mad because now i cant play any games without my computer being choked up =(
Does the same thing occur in safe mode? Have you tried a clean boot (disabling non-essential startup items)? I would also download and run Malwarebytes and see if it comes back with anything.
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