Potentially the longest thread in history...

I can understand pneumonia and asthma, but not bronchitis. Not to mention, acute bronchitis is a short term infection that goes away on it's own and typically isn't painful but more annoying. My **** is just a severe case of get ****t m8.

Dangerous is a broad term to some. For instance to me, taking tramadol is legal vs vaping CBD. You can still be denied for a job if you fail a drug test in areas where it is legal. I wouldn't care if I wasn't looking at a new contract or new job in general in 2 weeks. Texas as of June legalized CBD for epilepsy but it's illegal to ship it here yet we have no way to get it AND requires a prescription. How does that make any sense? It doesn't.
Sure, it's helpful with a ton of things! It is a bronchodilator and there are plenty of anecdotal stories of people who vape it and have far less issues with bronchitis/pneumonia/asthma.

But with all that said, I've read nothing to suggest it would actively fight a viral infection. I tend to be rather cautious these days with what I suggest on this subject, as people quickly lump you in with the "weed cures cancer!" crowd otherwise and dismiss any point you try to make out of hand. So for now, in this case, I'll just stick to "it helps with the pain" :p and I might add it's a far less dangerous analgesic than many alternative pain killers, especially opioid-based ones

Unfortunately for me weed seems to have weird less common effects on me. I think it depends on the strain I have, it's definitely helped reduce pain before - well, I could feel it but it didn't 'hurt' and I could just ignore it. But i've vaped a few times before where it's actually made me more sensitive to pain, to the point where I think i've hurt myself when I havn't at all. It's either a strain that just doesn't go well with me, or I just vaped too much of it. Infact I rarely get quite a few of the famous effects these days, like euphoria, finding stuff funny. These days it just makes me feel spaced out a lot, I have very odd thoughts and logic. Though occasionally, really enlightening, and useful! I figured out why something wasn't working at work last week while high, despite having spent two full working days on the issue. I also don't get bored while high, I can just watch menial TV or play games endlessly and remain interested :p

As for opioids, ****, until recently I didn't realise how ridiculously TAME morphine is. E.g. Carfentanyl is 10,000 more potent. 0.02mg could kill a 200lb male !
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Today I bought pants that didn't fit me and took the labels off before I tried em on T_T gonna try superglueing the plastic back together :grin:
Also went wine shopping and bought a few reds, really took a fancy recently to Merlot :p

Unfortunately for me weed seems to have weird less common effects on me

Sounds like you need to find a sativa, and also try it before doing something active instead of vegging on a couch/chair :p like before a bike ride or walk or outing or what have you.

As for opioids, ****, until recently I didn't realise how ridiculously TAME morphine is. E.g. Carfentanyl is 10,000 more potent. 0.02mg could kill a 200lb male !

As always, "relative" is the key word. I hardly think it appropriate to call something "tame" that would kill you if you took more than a fifth of a gram of it. That's like saying arsenic is "tame" because polonium exists :p morphine is dangerous as ****
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We've talked about this a lot, being on different Meds over the years. Different people hear on the forums.

Thing is as I've mentioned Weed makes me Paranoid as hell. The other day I was at a friends house and he was Smoking some Solid (Resin), I just stood their thinking man, how old school.

Morphine is dangerous as hell. I've had it when I broke bones and joints. I get Codeine an opiate descendent regularly and it knocks me for six.
We've talked about this a lot, being on different Meds over the years. Different people hear on the forums.

Thing is as I've mentioned Weed makes me Paranoid as hell. The other day I was at a friends house and he was Smoking some Solid (Resin), I just stood their thinking man, how old school.

Morphine is dangerous as hell. I've had it when I broke bones and joints. I get Codeine an opiate descendent regularly and it knocks me for six.
The stuff I'm talking about doesn't contain enough THC for a high. It's literally medical benefits only.
Today I bought pants that didn't fit me and took the labels off before I tried em on T_T gonna try superglueing the plastic back together :grin:
Also went wine shopping and bought a few reds, really took a fancy recently to Merlot :p

Sounds like you need to find a sativa, and also try it before doing something active instead of vegging on a couch/chair :p like before a bike ride or walk or outing or what have you.

As always, "relative" is the key word. I hardly think it appropriate to call something "tame" that would kill you if you took more than a fifth of a gram of it. That's like saying arsenic is "tame" because polonium exists :p morphine is dangerous as ****

I take it at night generally 2 or 3 hours before bed. It was a sativa :\ Jack Herer. To be honest, I only experience small differences between Sativa/Indica personally. Kinda sucks. People say sativa makes you energetic and stuff, and it seems to for most people, but I did just a few tokes on my vape and was only very mildly stoned, but hell it made everything feel so difficult just like you'd expect out of a strong indica, yet it was definitely some good quality sativa, reputable seller and all that malarkey. I don't care that it couchlocks me because it's late at night anyway and I just want to chill with Netflix :p


Random but forgot to ask, have you seen any benchmarks of Titan X P in SLI using an i7 6700k? I seen a few people mention that Titan XP in SLI suffers from a lack of PCI-E lanes unless you have one of Intel 6+ core chips, but I cant really find anyone with benchmarks showing it.
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Yay! Bronchitis AND pneumonia! Give me a f'ing cookie. No work until Monday the 26th. Two shots in the office (antibiotic and steroid), plus another antibiotic, another steroid, and some kickass cough syrup.

A bullet would have been cheaper, though.

Jeeparz, dude! As mentioned - I feel ill just reading that.
I have the constitution of an ox, generally, but occasionally I get sinus headaches that lay me low (nausea, vertigo, etc) for a day or so. That's about it, really.
I heal like Wolverine (takes me days to heal something that takes other people weeks) and I have a ridiculously high pain threshold. Meant that I had loads of sick days owed when I left my job at the Uni - and they complained it was too much to pay out, so they made me take them as paid vacation instead.
I have to admit, working at the Uni was pretty awesome - you got 26 days paid vacation a year, and it accumulated if you didn't take it. At one point, I had 76 days owed. They made me take those too! Although WHEN I was supposed to take them, I don't know, as I was the disaster recovery ninja so I was on call pretty much 24/7.
Oh. Fun times.
I can currently unlimited sick time, and up to 240 hours of vacation. After 10 or 20 years (can't remember which) of service, you get bumped to like 320 o rsomething like that. I know some of the older people here don't take vacation, and they just end up taking every Friday off because they have so much vacation time built up lol.
I take it at night generally 2 or 3 hours before bed. It was a sativa :\ Jack Herer. To be honest, I only experience small differences between Sativa/Indica personally. Kinda sucks. People say sativa makes you energetic and stuff, and it seems to for most people, but I did just a few tokes on my vape and was only very mildly stoned, but hell it made everything feel so difficult just like you'd expect out of a strong indica, yet it was definitely some good quality sativa, reputable seller and all that malarkey. I don't care that it couchlocks me because it's late at night anyway and I just want to chill with Netflix :p


Random but forgot to ask, have you seen any benchmarks of Titan X P in SLI using an i7 6700k? I seen a few people mention that Titan XP in SLI suffers from a lack of PCI-E lanes unless you have one of Intel 6+ core chips, but I cant really find anyone with benchmarks showing it.
Couldn't find any reviews that directly compared them, but I looked at 3dmark results. I did a 2x SLI Firestrike Ultra comparison between 6700k and 5960x. The general graphics score between both on 8 randomly picked results (4 from each) is around 15k. I'd say PCI-E isn't making a difference.
Couldn't find any reviews that directly compared them, but I looked at 3dmark results. I did a 2x SLI Firestrike Ultra comparison between 6700k and 5960x. The general graphics score between both on 8 randomly picked results (4 from each) is around 15k. I'd say PCI-E isn't making a difference.

So what you're saying is, I should absolutely buy 2x Titan X P :D
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