Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

Doubtful they would cover it. Even states in their warranty:

f. claims arising from external causes, including (without limitation), accidents, acts of God, liquid contact, fire or earthquake;
Re: Today I have...

My Lycosa was a review sample from early 2009, they won't cover it either way. Honestly, I would rather have the Samsung monitor hit the floor if it means my keyboard was fine, my NEC monitor (main one) didn't have scratches, and my G930 receiver wasn't dead. Yea, found out it was all caked up with latte crap about 20 minutes ago when I tried using my headphones.
Re: Today I have...

Personal problems aside, today I've been trying to fix my stuff. Got the G930 receiver cleaned out and Windows now recognizes it. Haven't tested it yet though. Currently got my Lycosa apart and fine cleaning it then going to let it dry out. Next up is my USB extension cable.
Re: Today I have...

Cloud9 is spawning processes on my server like crazy
find -L . -type f -name package.json -or -name *.js
using two cores at 100%

and when I kill it it comes back.
It's coming from jsonanalyzser in node... so I'm going to reinstall another version of node to see if that helps.
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