Potentially the longest thread in history...

The GAME man. Ok...here's the rules.
The game is that you have to not think about 'the game'. If you do, you lose.

Now, if you just randomly think about it then you have to try and get other people to lose too. You can't do this by just yelling 'THE GAME!!!' tho, you have to do it sneakily.
E.g. say 'Yeah I'll just hang here and play..." and then they'll be like "play what?" and odds are (if they play this game) they'll think of the game. In which case they must admit they lost :D simple, no?

In Yami's case, he said that rhyme thing to try and get peeps to think of the game. And I did, so I lost. Hence why I posted what I did under his post ;)

What once forgotten, is only lost when remembered? The game, once forgotten, is lost (opposite of won) when you remember it
Re: Today I have...

I got a call from the dentist's office this morning that they had a cancellation so I got to go in today. I had a molar pulled that had become abscessed. I am now sitting here holding gauze in the socket waiting on the bleeding to stop... and the numbness is beginning to wear off. >.<

Seems the roots were pointed out instead of down so he had a heck of a time getting it out. A root tip ended up breaking off so he had to dig it out. I knew I was in for it when he told me that I WOULD be sore and to be sure to fill and take the pain meds.

I don't drink, but I feel like I could sure use a few strong ones right now. :(
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