Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

Woke up at 5:30 to get to work at 7:30 and arrived here at 6:30. I'm always early to work, I'm weird.
Re: Today I have...

Today I got annoyed at the fact I have to wait till Friday to play TitanFall. In better news, it looks like Rift DK2 is close judging by a post on reddit by Palmer himself, psyched!
Re: Today I have...

Today I got annoyed at the fact I have to wait till Friday to play TitanFall. In better news, it looks like Rift DK2 is close judging by a post on reddit by Palmer himself, psyched!

The wait will make it that much better :p.
Re: Today I have...

The wait will make it that much better :p.

True I guess.

I also royally ****ed up at work today. Was supposed to restart the IP phone server for head office, instead I turned off the wrong one which routes phone traffic for the call center. So yeah, I prematurely ended about ~450 live phone calls to customers :D
Re: Today I have...

True I guess.

I also royally ****ed up at work today. Was supposed to restart the IP phone server for head office, instead I turned off the wrong one which routes phone traffic for the call center. So yeah, I prematurely ended about ~450 live phone calls to customers :D

Hell of a killstreak :p.
Re: Today I have...

Haha. Yeah we as a department just pleaded ignorance and said we'd phone BT iNet to find out what happened (they look after our phone system). The contact centre manager was furious xD
FWIW... Anyone looking for a kickass gaming/precision mouse with a full hand grip, Newegg now has the Func MS-3 back in stock for $59.99. This is the mouse I recently moved to from the Mionix Naos 500 (now property of Nukem).

When I say "full hand grip" it is exactly what I mean. When I put my hand on the mouse the only part of my hand that touches my mouse pad is the very end of the heal of my hand. It is a very comfortable grip.

The mouse goes up to 5670dpi but can be set for just about anything. I have the Instant Aim button set for 90dpi, for instance. Plus the thumb button(s) configuration is excellent.

Newegg.com - FUNC MS- 3 Revision 2 FUNC-MS-3-R2 USB Wired 5670 dpi Gaming Mouse
Re: Today I have...

I did something similar once :p was changing external dns lookup info on our new DNS server...or what I *thought* was our new DNS server. Turns out I'd misclicked in the remote desktop list and connected to our proxy server. Deleted the dns info and added our new internal server IP and...internet suddenly down for ALL sites across the country :p oops!

Today I've spent most of my time looking up info on telescopes and astrophotography, might be a touch excited right now XD gah but why does cool tech always have to be so expensive :(
Re: Today I have...

I feel fortunate I've never had to experience a blunder like that :tongue:
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