Potentially the longest thread in history...

b1g I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad your back, the IQ of the forums just jumped 90 points.
Mate I know we never knew each other very well but I always thought you seemed like a stand up guy and I think it's awesome that you're back around!
Saxon said:
b1g I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooo glad your back, the IQ of the forums just jumped 90 points.

You're being too nice Sax. But you can bet that I'm glad to be back.

So is Nos, krazyq, peterhuang, nagasama, aspire, sora, petercort, ethereal, hmammen, preacher, etc. still around?

Jorsoft said:
Mate I know we never knew each other very well but I always thought you seemed like a stand up guy and I think it's awesome that you're back around!

Likewise fellow techie. I've always seen you around helping out. And it's nice to see you still around as well.

My goodness, vernong has grown techie-wise, since I was last here. How's it goin' man?!
Nos is MIA, petercourt is in an out, naga was a mod for a bit, aspire is knocking about some ware, preach is in an out, soara?, and etherial is in an out.
**** b1g is a TF myth, the first FT member to own a quad core and can corigraph graphs like no one else.
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