November gaming

Lords of Fallen and Dragon Age that's it I may get Call of Duty it depends if I like it cause I am gonna try my Roommates copy hopefully. I also might get Far Cry but don't know yet I have never played one but everyone says they are so good I did really like Blood Dragon though even though that wasn't like the actual Far Cry game I hear
Same boat here with Far Cry. Besides that, maybe Lords of the Fallen. Probably will hold off on Lego Batman until Xmas for my son.
Lords of Fallen and Dragon Age that's it I may get Call of Duty it depends if I like it cause I am gonna try my Roommates copy hopefully. I also might get Far Cry but don't know yet I have never played one but everyone says they are so good I did really like Blood Dragon though even though that wasn't like the actual Far Cry game I hear
Far Cry 1 was fun and taxing on the systems out at the time but the AI were stupid and some of the things they said made me facepalm half the time. Far Cry 2 IMO sucked hard. 3 was much better than the other two and the Blood Dragon spin off was hilarious.
I loved far cry 3. One of the best games this past generation. Yes the story was on especially with what they did with Voss the villian.

But the action was fun.

Hoping 4 is the same just with better graphics and a better story.

Sent from my iPhone using tiny buttons. Sorry for the misspellings. Join me on Diablo 3.
If you are buying a FPS for SP, then Far Cry 4 would be a much better value for your money.

i will be buying COD for mp my roommates are big into it It wont be a day 1 but probably by Thanksgiving. I miss good FPS sp so thats why I kinda want far cry

Same boat here with Far Cry. Besides that, maybe Lords of the Fallen. Probably will hold off on Lego Batman until Xmas for my son.

Forgot about Lego Batman I like Lego Marvel but still have not beat it but I love me some batman
I'm satisfied with my games for now. Next one won't be until next year; GTA5 for PC. Maybe H-Hour for PC as well.
Definitely getting GTA V for PC. I haven't touched the game and I've only watched Robbaz play it so I have the full experience.....The Way It's Meant To Be Played......:lol:
Definitely getting GTA V for PC. I haven't touched the game and I've only watched Robbaz play it so I have the full experience.....The Way It's Meant To Be Played......:lol:

Played it on PS3 and beat the story - so I'll probably wait for a 100% complete savegame or something so I don't have to go through it again. I'm excited for the changes that are supposed to be implemented, though - that and the MP should be fun (wife plays it everyday on PS3 lol); and hopefully heists will actually get released soon. Hopefully some nice mods become available for SP as well.
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