Need a program for handling camera images


Grandfather of Techist, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Staff member
The South
I am pretty much at a loss here, so here goes...

I have someone who wants a program to replace her Kodak image software. It does not play nice with her non-Kodak cameras (one is a Nikon, not sure of the other), plus she wants to be able to work with her pics she takes with her phone.

The main things needed are:
  • Simple to use
  • Able to import images from multiple sources
  • Able to rename images in batch if needed
  • Free

Thanks for the help.
I'm not sure if it covers all those features, but my dad used to use Google Picasa until he upgraded to Adobe Lightroom 3.

And dare i say it.. iPhoto is great for simple edits.. but I guess she's not on a Mac.
Picasa is a stand alone program. There is also GIMP, Paint.NET that can be used for edits as well as Live Essentials and their Photo Gallery app that is included with it.
Irfanview is a nice freebee that I often use to re-size, edit and add text to pics. it's not as fine tuned as Gimp but works great for the simpler things with an easy gui
Download IrfanView

and don't forget to get the plug-ins
IrfanView PlugIns

The program has TWAIN support for retrieving images from scanners, and extended support for taking screenshots.

Image editing includes crop, resize, and rotate. Images can be adjusted by modifying their brightness, contrast, tint, and gamma level[8] manually or automatically, and by converting them between file formats. Many of these changes can be applied to multiple images in one operation using batch processing. Resize can be applied towards the display of animated GIF images to make them larger in either windowed or full-screen modes. Lossless functions can be applied to JPG images in order to optimize the files without change to the displayed image.

for major editing like creating layers and adding/removing things on photos...use Gimp
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