
PP Mguire

Build Guru
Fort Worth, Texas
Anybody have experience with using this for hosting servers?

I'm a Minecraft scrub and I'm just now trying to touch it because all 3 younger kids want to play together. Since they should be migrating to computers soon (PCMR, free online, etc etc) and because Windows 10 edition is always 2 bucks on G2A I want to have a server up for them. My issue is trying to get the server to act right.

So routing to my ddns has been fine, but when I try to up the player number from the default 10 it always reverts back to 10 no matter what. I also set it up for peaceful creative and even though it's on peaceful hard locked my character still spawns in survival. I also can't use console commands to change it even though (I think) I set up the roles correctly. There's enough machine there to run multiple servers, and have it initially set to use 4GB of RAM so I don't think that'd be a problem with player count. Should mention this is basic default Minecraft, no mods or extras.

I know I could set one up manually, but I'm trying to learn this server manager as I've been requested to host Minecraft servers on top of other games for other people. I'd prefer to learn this interface to do just that if anybody has used it before.
I'm pretty new to it as well, never used Multicraft before - but can it work with the Windows 10 edition? Or is it just for the Java version of MC?
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