LF All WoW Players

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In Runtime
Cincinnati, OH
Well I looked through the first couple pages and saw somethings on Cataclysm and what not but not anything about what characters/toons people play. What they focus on such as raiding or PvP. No need to give out any character names or servers just maybe race and class. If there is already a thread like this feel free to just merge this with that one.

Anyways here are my toons so far:

Lvl 80 Human Warrior (Prot / Arms PvP) <-- My Main
Lvl 80 Human Warlock (Destro / Demon)
Lvl 80 Human Priest (Holy / Shadow)
Lvl 80 Human Rogue (Combat / Sub PvP)
Lvl 70 Human Death Knight (Blood / Frost)

Other than that I played around with a shaman but decided I am going to wait till Cataclysm and make a Dwarf shaman. I also have always wanted a druid but never really liked Night Elves but I love Worgens. I was lucky enough to get into the beta and I had an awesome time playing them. I know my race (all human) is a bit boring but I just like the racial especially when it comes to PvP even though I PvE more than I PvP lol.

My main interest is PvE and progressing through content as quickly as possible. I recently started my own guild and we have 11/12 HM's on farm in ICC. We run 10-man groups primarily. We will occasionally put together a 25-man but I can't stand pugs. More recently I have gotten into PvP a little but that is just more of a little side hobby I guess you could say when I'm not working on progression.

Oh yeah and if you didn't already notice I'm Alliance and proud of it.

What about everyone else?
lvl 80 paladin, retribution pvp and pve, and prot pve. over 6100gs in all specks (pvp gear for pvp of course.)
newly leveld 80 enhance shaman. havent decided on my os yet.

also the enhance shaman might go dwarf for pvp.
Alright, I will bite.

Have not played in over a year and a half up until about two weeks ago, but my main is an 80 troll combat rogue, I have a 78 Tauren Druid (Dual spec), and I am leveling a secondary main which is currently a 67 Tauren Shaman (Also dual spec Resto + enhance).

Those and my army of alts (most around 60) All Horde, you silly alliance folks :D
Alright, I will bite.

Have not played in over a year and a half up until about two weeks ago, but my main is an 80 troll combat rogue, I have a 78 Tauren Druid (Dual spec), and I am leveling a secondary main which is currently a 67 Tauren Shaman (Also dual spec Resto + enhance).

Those and my army of alts (most around 60) All Horde, you silly alliance folks :D

i said i wanted to make a dwarf shaman. but that does not mean im alliance. i forgot to mention my paladin is a be and my shaman is a orc. i would like to race changed the shaman to dwarf just for the stone skin. makes me immune to bleeds. that is op for enhance.
Alright, I will bite.

Have not played in over a year and a half up until about two weeks ago, but my main is an 80 troll combat rogue, I have a 78 Tauren Druid (Dual spec), and I am leveling a secondary main which is currently a 67 Tauren Shaman (Also dual spec Resto + enhance).

Those and my army of alts (most around 60) All Horde, you silly alliance folks :D

LOL. Well its good to see some people replying the thread. I love Alliance and on my server we are about even with Horde which is nice. I don't hate Horde I just dislike them LOL. I think that mostly stems from the fact that I got ganked and camped by so many level 80's when I was trying to level my first time around. However I do believe Horde is obviously a little favored by Blizzard. I mean if you watched any of this year's Blizzcon it was pretty obvious.
lvl 80 Human Warlock DS Destro & Demo
lvl 75 Draenei DK (3 boa's) Unholy might go DS with blood or frost idk yet.
lvl 46 Night Elf Druid (4 boa's) resto
lvl 45 Human Pally Prot (3 boa's) prot

this account was started a while after wotlk was released. i just wish i didn't cough "give" cough my accounts away when i got bored and stopped playing. i don't even wanna imagine how many 80's id have if i just kept one account my whole wow career=P
lvl 80 Human Warlock DS Destro & Demo
lvl 75 Draenei DK (3 boa's) Unholy might go DS with blood or frost idk yet.
lvl 46 Night Elf Druid (4 boa's) resto
lvl 45 Human Pally Prot (3 boa's) prot

this account was started a while after wotlk was released. i just wish i didn't cough "give" cough my accounts away when i got bored and stopped playing. i don't even wanna imagine how many 80's id have if i just kept one account my whole wow career=P

LOL. You just gave the account away? Man I would have at least tried to get some money out of it ha. But yeah that is one thing I will never give/sell my account away even if I take an extended break. But I know a lot of people who did that. I'm actually surprised kind of I seem to have noticed a lot more vanilla players that quit after BC came out seem to be coming back. I have no idea why but who knows.
So what does everyone think of Cataclysm so far? Has anyone done any raid bosses yet? I have been out of the loop for so long now. I am hoping to get back to playing sometime in the next week or so since I finally have some free time again.
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