just opinions

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which one is better and why???
please post with some good links if you can!!
thanks n c ya!!
What kind of links? I mean google will provide you with every link on this subject already....

I have used Ubuntu and find it as great stepping stone from a first timer coming off Windows and trying to start to learn Linux.

So really the question is are you a first timer or a seasoned veteran of Linux?
Mm, Ubuntu's just way easier to use. I'd say it probably has a much, much bigger user base than Opensuse too, so if you get stuck - you'll find more help, more specific help, and faster help.

Just go with Ubuntu, or K/Xubuntu.
If those are your only 2 choices, then OpenSUSE 10.3
I think you should try SimplyMEPIS 7. It has been my favorite ever since it was released. Until then, i was an opensuse guy, and before that i used ubuntu.
simplymepis 6.5 wasnt amazing or anything an i never used it, but things have changed since then and no distro beats 7.

as jakec said, pclinuxos would be a great one too. If you like the feel of KDE (more similar to windows, start menu, etc.) then go for pclinuxos or simplyMepis
If you like the look of gnome, like what ubuntu uses, you could try PCLinuxOS gnome edition.

The easiest way to decide might be to download virtualbox and try out all the distros in a virtual machine and see which one you like best.
i have been using linux since a couple of year now (but still m no expert or anything)
i just wanted general opinions of other forum users.
by the way i am not a fan of KDE. i like gnome and have been using it ever since my first linux distro.
i was looking at which distribution outscores the other and where??
anyways ... thanks n c ya!!
Ubuntu and the Ubuntu forums would be your best place. It is Gnome based and their people there are great.
imho.. all the distros are the same. They run on the same kernel, just with different apps combined. Some give a slight advantage to the advanced user, the others give a slight advantage to the novice user..

I like ubuntu cause of its user-base. If I have a problem I can usually find a quick console script I can put into my console and fix it.
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