Interview the person below you


Daemon Poster
Answer the question the person above you asked, and then ask a new one.

What has been the biggest hurdle in your life?
Making maps on the original Starcraft in 4th grade! I became a member of "obstacle onslaught" a mapping clan that only made "bounds" which were a type of map with patterns of triggered explosions that the player had to navigate through to win. Starcraft scripting/trigger editing was the foundation of not only my gaming hobbies but also greatly contributed to my overall knowledge and learning curve of computer systems, networking and eventually my career.

Do you believe we will see spacecraft capable of close-to-light speeds in our lifetime?
Not in our life time I believe as I truly believe that we have all ready made contact with E.T and light speed travel will not happen for at least 150 too 200 years away Minimum.. Now I will say in our life time we will push the boundary further than ever but I don't believe it will happen because their is too much **** happening on the planet at the moment.

If some one took all your technology away for 30 days how would you deal with that or say 3 Months. No Computers, Laptops, Phones, just a basic living standard of say someone who might be greatly older than the young generations at the moment.
No huge changes TBH. I would just have more free time before and after work. Maybe I could actually get a few things accomplished around the house then. I guess tech is not as all-consuming to me as it once was, but lack of funds to fuel the flames has had a lot to do with it.

Looking back at your life thus far and looking ahead into your future, what would you say is your definition of success?
Happiness with your job.

To the next guy:
I read people's posts with interest. 😉

Do you contribute regularly to any other forums?
No. I ditched all forums to post here full time. I only view some other sites to stay up on hardware news and such.

Ebola in Dallas.....Go.
News networks see a spark and, without hesitance, create a flame; athough it is a risk i believe they're milking it for coverage... until it becomes an full-on epidemic in the US I don't see the news coverage being at ratio to the severity of the issue

If you were stuck on an island for the rest of your life - the island has a plentiful harvest of naturally growing fruits, vegetables and non-threatening wildlife what are the 5 things you would bring?
To elaborate on that, I think the ignorance around it is intolerable. The CDC wants to mask it off as a non issue, but come on we have no real cure for this. They have back tracked to some people who have been to schools and kids can spread this **** quickly. AFAIK 3 schools have been quarantined for cleaning. People are nasty and I don't expect this to simply go away. I personally feel this is the beginning of an outbreak simply due to stupidity.