Halo Reach, show a little love...

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Abstract Hero

Hyper Techie
Phoenix, AZ
Just wanted to rep my bro a bit and spread the word of his new community videos. He'd like to get enough of a following to throw down some other game videos and he is also working on a machinima.

What do you guys think? He has this one and a second episode so far.
Vid was not pretty good. Not sure why he had campaign game play in it though? Several of the kills were very funny though.

Did not like the music, other then that not a bad start!
I don't understand the point of it. It's not even like a standard gameplay video or anything.

Also, not hating, but I have to LoL at the fact that he re-upped it because the original was getting too many thumbs down and he was getting called a fa**** lol.

Honestly, I think it is dumb. Not trying to be mean, but if you want honest opinions, this is mine. Don't hate me.
I'm not gonna get mad about it I was just asking for opinions and that's what I got but I'm not quite sure what's not to get about a community montage.

Ya I have no idea why he put campaign besides maybe just to fill in till he gets more submissions. I agree though the song was pretty ghey but Ep. 2 was much better. lol
I'm not gonna get mad about it I was just asking for opinions and that's what I got but I'm not quite sure what's not to get about a community montage.

Like are those videos of the top professional MLG halo players? If that is the case then ok, but people in general don't know who they are, and if they are not super into halo enough to care about those players, they will think it is dumb, and I'm sure that is why he got all the negativity the last time he upped it. That and the music isn't anything that is highly recognized, so that hurts it too. He should pick something else. At least that is my take on it.
Like are those videos of the top professional MLG halo players? If that is the case then ok, but people in general don't know who they are, and if they are not super into halo enough to care about those players, they will think it is dumb, and I'm sure that is why he got all the negativity the last time he upped it. That and the music isn't anything that is highly recognized, so that hurts it too. He should pick something else. At least that is my take on it.

Honestly I know for a fact that's not why, he got crap for calling it a montage, and I'm not going to pass this as anything but your opinion because believe it or not there are tubers like Anoj (who is sponsored by Machinima .com btw YouTube - ‪Top 10 Halo Reach Unusual Kills Honorable Mentions: Episode 22 by Anoj‬‏) who get over 100,000 views and (hundreds of submitted clips) a video doing this. It's a compilation of interesting kills and situations that is all. Some of them are funny some are talented players but I think he's taken the right steps and he has a foundation. Since he has only gotten started there aren't many videos to choose from so the quality of clips aren't the best and quite frankly whether or not they are famous players or the music is recognizable is COMPLETELY irrelevant IMO. People don't watch for names (unless they are friends or themselves) or the music. They watch to see Halo clips.

Will do, Skitzo.
Alright cool. Didn't realize that. Just figured most people were like me, and, respectfully, don't give a crap about this kind of stuff.
My opinion is that the video should be either multiplayer or campaign, not both. If he is trying to showoff his skills and make something like a MLG montage, then do that. If he wants to make a campaign gameplay video, do a particular mission or a campaign montage.
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