GIMP 2.0

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Solid State Member
I downloaded GIMP 2.0 a while back, and used it for quite some time. I fell out of using it, but I'm compiling a list of programs I'd like to download when I buy my laptop. I was just wondering if I should download it again, or if there are any other free programs available that are similar or better. Photoshop is out of the question, as I'm a poor high school student, soon to be a poorer college student. So, any and all feedback would be appreciated.
Thanks. I figured as such, but I just wanted to be sure. I figured if any forum would know, it would be this one. I also use for most of my tutorial needs, does anyone know of a better site?
There's also, a program similar to PhotoShop/GIMP. See which one you prefer.

Pixel2Life has some nice tutorials as well.
Mmm, I do remember hearing about a while back, but I never checked it out. I might in the future, but user accessability isn't a huge deal for me now as I've already learned a good deal about GIMP. Still, though, it's good to diversify. And carnage, do you think you could provide me with a link to that?
Thank you very much, joelm. I'll definitely be checking those out this weekend, as I have no plans, haha.
Haha well hope you enjoy yourself :) and no prob :p.

Edit: Was browsing through the net and came across this, Photobie 7.1. You can check it out, didn't download and install but from reading about it, it seems pretty good for a free software :p.

Photobie is an Image Editing software with most features similar to Photoshop plus advanced screen capture and photo frame editing features. With photobie screen capture you can prepare presentation very simply. Photobie has simple user interface.

Furthermore, if you have MS Word and other software that create specific graphics or art fonts, then with Photobie you can simply capture it and paste it to any image. Photobie supports multiple-layer image retouching for advanced image editing.
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