Games You've Ran GOOD on an FX5200

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Keep in mind that this is at a lower resolution than normal so I could have it in a window, and that I am running Beryl (fancy 3D effects) at the same time. I usually turn Beryl off if I am actually going to play. In this screenshot my FPS is capped for trickjumping, but I can sometimes get upwards of 120 FPS (depending on the map).

Vernog, I've played it on another PC that is similar to yours (same amount of RAM and same video card) and it runs ET alright. The processor may be a tad better, though. I've seen it running on integrated graphics as well, though the settings were turned down a bit.
i knew this would turn into a flame fest.........whats new.......anyway, ill check out wolfenstien greg.

If it runs well you should be able to play almost any Quake 3-based game then.
You can always check out demos to games you're not sure about or check System Requirements Lab and see what they say.
ive tried system requirments lab, and some games it says my pc exceeds the recomended, and the game runs like ****, and some games i only pass required and the game runes perfect.
Age of Empires 2, not great graphics, but sure is fun.
WoW should be playable, maybe someone can back me on this, the requirments are next to nothing.

Processor: 800MHz or higher CPU.
RAM: 256Mb or more.
Video: GeForce 2 or better
Hard Drive Space: 3Gb or more available.
DirectX 9.0 or above.
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