File sharing up 10% after RIAA threatens users

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Daemon Poster
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The Recording Industry Association of America's announcement on June 25 that it will start tracking down and suing users of file-sharing programs has yet to spook people, say developers of these applications.

Very impressed at the RIAA for doing this... they screwed themselves over again. :p

I hear there are stealhy peer2peer already cropping up.

You would think they'd work with evolving tech, not threaten their customer base...Go corporate bigwigs! Future headlines "The RIAA to copywite 1's, 0's"
They're not going to stop people from sharing. It's impossible to what I can see. The RIAA is only encouraging them, as suggested by the 10% increase. There's just too many programs out there that can do this and there's always a way around it when one goes down.

Why does the RIAA threaten to sue users who download music yet complain why those same people don't buy music CDs?
there are people out there that download music for backup purposes and others who download just because they don't want to pay for it. Hey, I admit I download stuff I don't own originally. Most music CDs only have one or two good songs on it and you have to pay for all the songs on the CD. If they could compile the popular songs together, that would be different. There would still be ppl downloading though.

Best way to combat piracy is in the store. Imagine a database of MP3s. You select the songs, name of the CD, and CD cover. They make it for around $2-3 and people wil flock to the stores. Of course, the suits will say it's not "cost effective" but it would cut back on downloading especially if they can burn Ogg Vorbis files which sound better than MP3s.
I have thought about that at one time before. I think it's a great idea if they could do that. Why pay around $10 for a CD that has that one song you like when you can pay, say in your example $2 or $3, for the songs you like. I'm willing to buy from the store if they do that.

I also read somewhere ... maybe on this forum, heh.

The person had a good point about getting the latest songs he liked on newer medium. He stocked his collection with the records he liked...then 8-tracks came and he got those...then casettes came and he upgraded then...finally CDs. He points out that he has bought the same songs multiple times from the industry - and now they want to sue him for downloading the songs? IMHO the record industry has been gouging the consumer for many years...every time a new medium comes along - but now they have lost control.
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