Easter weekend sale at Harbor Freight

Yeah, some storm. We had an intense cloudburst this morning for about ten minute.

Wait what? Coming our way ??


Hmm... 40% today and 20% tomorrow. We may be ok then but we'll never know.
It did finally. I'm going to the pain clinic tomorrow for injection #2 in my lower back and I can hit FedEx on my way back. :dance:

Tech, yes they are some odd balls in the set but all my 1/4" drive sets didn't have the 5.5mm socket I needed to take off the splash guard so I can drain the radiator. I didn't have the 7/32 either so I used the pliers to do the job.

This set got both.

Pliers?! What are you, a Primitive Pete?

Even an adjustable wrench is better than pliers.
Do you remember Primitive Pete from those movies in shop class as a kid?
Great movies, I loved those.
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