
I hung out there for about 15 mins last night and no players ever showed up.

I then did a strike and for my first legendary engram. Unfortunately it was for a sidearm. I never use those.

When you approach the hallway from the entrance, walk through it, don't sprint or take your Sparrow. You'll be matchmade during that process, but it's not always the first time. I had to go back outside and try again 3 times before I ended up with other people. Don't give up! Once you find a group, you guys will go round after round.
I'm really really hoping to put more time in this week. I should be able to, as I'm only working through Wednesday, but that's what I thought the last time around.
I'm only at level 365 but I'd love to do a raid once. Never done any of the raids for destiny.
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