Can someone explaine how theese various things work?


Fully Optimized
England, UK
Router being at the top of my List, and then Ethernet Switches.

I'm curious as to how they route Internet traffic. I know its got something to do with Packets and from what I understand its how the DATA is broken down and transferred. Should I upgrade my Router at the Least mabie if I want good Security.

How do Ethernet Switches work as in how do they route traffic after receiving it from the Router It must be automatic in some regards with various scripts available to the Firmware I would think.
OOOH BGP the beating heart! While you're at it go to BGP4 looking glasses and take a look at the very foundations of the internet.
Hey Spud, how did your attempts at learning how these things work go?
Well as far as your second question goes it depends on the router you have. Just give it good ole fashion Google and look at some reviews. Some routers do have security flaws that need to be addressed but are completely different from router to router. this page should get you started on how routers really work. It goes back to the very basics.
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