Bill Gates get owned

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That's funny... and also not the first time that happened. I think it was windows 98 or ME that a blue screen hit them during a conference.
It's hard to recoved from something like that with tons of geeks waiting to tear your new OS apart.
Sucks but it is funny as hell.But see it his way u have a brand new water cooled powerhouse.You are showing it off to your friends then sizzle your hose sprang a leak.Now thats how bill feels.
Windows Rival

Windows Longhorn looks like it sucks, I was considering MAC, but then I thought some of my idea's would kill Windows. I need a operating system thats as stable as Apple & Good features like Microsoft & of course my own idea's. Problem Ive seen with Apple is I could not see something like "end task" or tabs that shows that a windows open. I can tell you one thing theres 2 features that end task missed out on "2 simple words". Microsoft would change, if I took over. Extreme III security against hackers.

"Microsoft & SONY people are evil I tell ya"
Red Screens OS, never heard of it. Your a Firefox boy to, Internet Explorer hardly has problems with plugins. I hate other browsers. I hope Google comes out with something better.
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