Recent content by iParanormalx

  1. iParanormalx

    Does anyone here self-host their services?

    Do you pay for business-class services through your ISP or do they allow this on consumer-grade services? My ISP shut me down when I hosted a minecraft server since it was in violation of my agreement. I called to ask why my internet was out and they told me this and tried to sell me business...
  2. iParanormalx

    Potentially the longest thread in history...

    Is it planning to go?
  3. iParanormalx

    Verify ISP Claims

    You could setup a network monitor from a buddys place that constantly monitors your connection so you at least have some manual tracking efforts... Downdetector is a great idea if only more people used it.
  4. iParanormalx

    Phone photography

    Beastgrip pro
  5. iParanormalx

    attach (physically) mouse to laptop

    Lanyard and hook?
  6. iParanormalx

    What You've Just Bought!

    These subs are soooo smooth and deep... luckily no one called the law on me last night
  7. iParanormalx

    Windows 10 Network Yellow Triangle

    Sh1t I overlooked that. Where I've seen it before to be just visual but the seed of that visual indicator is in the registry as my link explains some services will merely check the registry value to determine if the network connection is good. If that value says its not then those services...
  8. iParanormalx

    Windows 10 Network Yellow Triangle

    I think its just a visual glitch - I've fixed it on a few corporate PCs by reflagging the registry value that affects that icon. Here's a few more tid-bits on the topic:
  9. iParanormalx

    Windows audio issues

    What is echoing the most? His voice? His game audio? The party audio? Can you link me to a timestamp in one of his past broadcasts when its echoing so I can hear it?
  10. iParanormalx

    Windows audio issues

    Does the echo pick up on his broadcast or is it only heard by the other people in the xbox party?
  11. iParanormalx

    Windows audio issues

    His choice of streaming to the Windows 10 PC is the best choice without buying HDMI splitters, capture cards, and a proper audio mixer for his PC. Is he using the Xbox app on his Windows 10 PC to join the party and communicate? Or is he using the Xbox party ON the xbox that he's then streaming...
  12. iParanormalx

    What You've Just Bought!

    I just bought 2 Electro-Voice EKX-18SP Can't wait for the cops to show up again
  13. iParanormalx

    The perfect headset?

    Wouldn't call it perfect but it meets your budget and is over-ear so there is very little fatigue from wearing them for extended periods of time.
  14. iParanormalx

    Security Ip cameras

    I realize this is a zombie thread.. but typically (not always depending on the seller/manufacturer) the term "IP Cameras" doesn't mean IP as in Internet Protocol but IP as in Ingress Protection IP ratings are used to determine how resilient the actual camera body is to resisting wind, dirt...
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