GPU-Based Streaming Now Dropping Frames (GTX 1070 FTW)

Its been doing it for a few weeks before the update as well, i had the same settings for months and then all of a sudden got these frame dropping issues so i am not sure what had happened since nothing had changed

Also i do not get a lot of viewers, i have been doing mostly testing things and whatnot until i would be able to actually create some sort of schedule, other than that the stream is casual whenever i play
Its been doing it for a few weeks before the update as well, i had the same settings for months and then all of a sudden got these frame dropping issues so i am not sure what had happened since nothing had changed

Also i do not get a lot of viewers, i have been doing mostly testing things and whatnot until i would be able to actually create some sort of schedule, other than that the stream is casual whenever i play
Need to keep your story straight then.

You said everything was fine except for the past few weeks. July 23rd is 3 weeks, that's the past few weeks. If you haven't changed anything at all that driver update coincides with your timeline and would affect NVEC performance as the H.264 encoding is being done on the video card.
Yea man.. its not all about the active viewers. If you casually stream you're bound to have something interesting happen and the video can be shared to help growth. Gotta not take it so seriously to genuinely enjoy doing it.

"Sometimes not giving a fu(k can significantly improve the quality of life"

I would really try lowering the output to 720 and see if it helps. Thats the red flag, to me, of your config.
I apologize my story aint exactly tbe straightest, I have a relatively poor memory for a lot of things, if i could fix the dating mistake i would say it has been happening since the middle to beginning of july
Yeeee most of all I like to play for fun so if people watch its super neat and if they dont its still all good and I am havin fun playin, eventually I will try to up the production to get more viewers though for sure
Yea man.. its not all about the active viewers. If you casually stream you're bound to have something interesting happen and the video can be shared to help growth. Gotta not take it so seriously to genuinely enjoy doing it.

"Sometimes not giving a fu(k can significantly improve the quality of life"

I would really try lowering the output to 720 and see if it helps. Thats the red flag, to me, of your config.
Except he said it worked fine for a while streaming for hours without issue. That's why I'm pointing the finger elsewhere.

And sure I get that, I get hardly any views on my YT videos but I still do them as an archival for some good times. Because of this I don't put a lot of work into them and thus enjoy the minor editing. Thing is though, double streaming and recording? Seems like an unnecessary amount of work if you're not making money off it or at least have a decent amount of viewers to entertain.
I think maybe it might be a driver issue, or something with OBS updating possibly too, but i shall keep searchin for answers of course

And the double streaming is all testing for later, again, and I do minor editing for youtube videos as well with minimal views but all for archive and good fun as well
Yea the driver update is what I was pointing at.

One question that needed to be asked was, which service is getting the dropped frames? Is it one or both?
Both services get the dropped frames, although as I record simultaneously the recordings do not get any dropped frames