Has the patent-infringement lawsuit changed your view of Samsung?

Has the patent-infringement lawsuit changed your view of Samsung?

  • I now think less of Samsung.

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Nope. It's still the same.

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • I'm a bigger fan than before.

    Votes: 7 41.2%
  • Didn't like Samsung before, don't like 'em now

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters


Grandfather of Techist, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Staff member
The South
I saw this poll on Android Central and thought I would see how it goes here.
My opinion is pretty biased for 2 reasons. I have owned, flashed, or played with every Galaxy model phone and have seen REAL evidence dating back before these were released (you can Google it too) showing that this is Apple's patent troll nonsense because Galaxy phones are being sold so much and they obviously can't "innovate" anymore without stepping on toes.
Second reason being, I have always hated Apple and their way of business. I despise them like I despise EA with the DLC nonsense. The ONLY thing that I thought was good on their part was the touch screen and texting with the 3gs.

Apple's case might have been believable if they were trying to ban the only phone that looks remotely like their 3Gs, but trying to ban other devices that look nothing like it just proves they are clawing at shirt tails.
With regards to Samsung, I chose "I'm a bigger fan than before." but if the poll were asking "Has the patent-infringement lawsuit changed your view of Apple?, I would choose "I now think less of Apple."

I've never been a huge fan of Apple but these lawsuits prove that Apple is just a bunch whining, sniveling little twerps who can't stand competition.

99.99% of products out there are based off other devices. Steve said several times he used to love old Braun and Sony products and they influenced Apples designs. Design is an evolving process, you like a design, you make it your own and you improve it. There are probably no new modern electronics in existence that don't take design cues from somewhere.

The important part is whether you just straight out copy someones design, or if you just use it as foundation to build upon, change and improve.

You may all moan at Apple for creating lawsuits instead of just trying to compete, yet Samsung are doing the exact same thing to LG over OLED. They are sueing them for copying their tech, just like Apple did to them.

I think a lot of Android was stolen off iOS originally, that is my honest belief. But it is quite clear that when Android began to really differentiate itself and become a unique and fundamentally different OS to iOS, at which point is began to innovate with new features, this is the point Apple also stole some stuff from Android.

My opinion is pretty biased for 2 reasons. I have owned, flashed, or played with every Galaxy model phone and have seen REAL evidence dating back before these were released (you can Google it too) showing that this is Apple's patent troll nonsense because Galaxy phones are being sold so much and they obviously can't "innovate" anymore without stepping on toes.
Second reason being, I have always hated Apple and their way of business. I despise them like I despise EA with the DLC nonsense. The ONLY thing that I thought was good on their part was the touch screen and texting with the 3gs.

Apple's case might have been believable if they were trying to ban the only phone that looks remotely like their 3Gs, but trying to ban other devices that look nothing like it just proves they are clawing at shirt tails.

That last bit is my general consensus to, there about.
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I love them more now. I love my Samsung Galaxy Note and will not be giving it up. Nuff said.


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I think there's a lot of stealing all around. Samsung is not innocent by any stretch here.

There's also the fact that those other devices never went anywhere at all, probably for good reasons. The iPhone, whether you like it or not, changed cell phones forever. Doesn't matter that smart phones existed earlier than it, because it was the first completely user friendly device with smartphone capacities for the general public, and gained its popularity as such.

That's just how it is. It definitely didn't help the case when the huge document specifically outlining ways to improve the Samsung device and modification of the Android OS solely based on iPhone design...kinda think that was the final nail in the coffin.

As for my personal opinion of the devices and OS and such, I still feel the same way about Apple as I always have. Windows--and now Android--feels like a gigantic crazy house you can do anything with, and iOS/OSX feels like a comfy room you can customize to your liking, a little more personal. iOS has copied that same feeling from OSX very well.

And don't take the analogy as if I'm saying you can't customize or modify as much, it's just different comfort levels.
I did have a nice response typed up. But really, it isnt worth it. I will just be called an Apple hater and Samsung fanboy instead of people trying to understand what I really said.

So I will say this instead. If Apple wins and gets a ban on Samsung devices, what other Android based devices would be available at your local stores?

Seriously consider that when you go into a retailer next time. If you take away all the Samsung products as Apple would like, what option would you have for a new smart phone?

Sounds a lot like what happened with Microsoft back in the 80's and 90's when there was tons of monopoly lawsuits against them...

Right or wrong, competition is what drives the market.
I doubt there's going to actually be a blanket ban in the US, knowing Apple, they'd probably rather have Samsung pay patent fees or something. They had sales banned during the proceedings since they were waiting for the outcome of the patent case if I recall correctly.
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