PSU Makes weird sounds during F@H

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I ran F@H for about 30hours straight with GPU at 100 percent no problem. But now i run it, and after about 15minutes my psu makes a small crackling type sound. I did only buy this PSU untill i had the spare money to spend alot more on a better one.. but ive only had it, what, one month ? and it's allready sounding like its breaking if my GPU draws to much power for too long..

I'm not sure how serious the problem is, that's the problem. I don't know whether its anything to worry about or whether i should be turning my PC off as soon as i hear it. It is definitely when i run F@H. As soon as i stop it, my PSU stops making the sound like 1 second later.
My guess is that its overdrawing on the psu when you're folding. It probably has a tiny fan and its having to spin up to full speed. Or it could actually be some of the components squeeling.
is it likely to be serious/pc dangering ?

It does say 600W, but it's one of them not-so-good EZCool things.
We told you to get a good psu in the first place.

I told you back then, put a real load on the psu and youll see just how crappy it is.

The lesson is....just get a good psu. Just cause it says 600w, doesnt mean junk. No way itl can handle that much of a load..even a 400watt load would be pushing it.
I know i know, I agreed with you in the end, but couldn't afford a good one. Ive got this cheep one just till i can get some funds together, it's took longer than expected and i never got round to it. I didn't get the worse one around. this one > EZ Cool 600W SLI Ready PSU - 12cm Fan, 2x PCI-E, 20+4pin, 1x SATA - Ebuyer < i could of spent way less.

So, christmas soon ;) I'll allocate myself £70, that ought to do, right ?
Link doesn't work

Yeah allocate £70 although I would allocate £100 and overshoot my wattage just so that I didn't have to get a new one in 4 years. I went from a 430W antec to a Es-800W BFG but I did add a second graphics card and a soundcard but that hardly stresses a wattage that high
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